Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico

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The actor Genesius, from idolater to martyr

The actor Genesius, from idolater to martyr

A fourth-century play created to mock Christianity became the moment of the sudden conversion of its author and protagonist. Saint Genesius changed the play by confessing his new faith in front of the emperor Diocletian, who was watching. He paid for it with martyrdom.
THE RECIPE: ESICIA (Lobster rissoles)

African jihadists ‘celebrate’ the Taliban with surge of attacks

African jihadists ‘celebrate’ the Taliban with surge of attacks

World 27_08_2021 Anna Bono

Today the Americans are taking leave of Afghanistan, tomorrow the French from the Sahel: the international missions to fight jihadism are withdrawing, given the impossibility of replacing incompetent local governments. And jihadist groups throughout Africa, galvanised by the victory of the Taliban, launch a series of violent attacks against civilians and the military.

America is tired of war, even in Iraq

America is tired of war, even in Iraq

The dramatic events of the Afghan crisis have obscured another piece of important news, the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. After the 2003 war and the ensuing guerrilla warfare, and after returning in 2014 to battle against ISIS, the Americans are now heading back home for good. Meanwhile, NATO allied troops will stay and will be under Italian command from 2022.

Why “the benefits outweigh the risks” is untrue

Why “the benefits outweigh the risks” is untrue

In the face of increasing cases of adverse reactions to Covid vaccines, the mantra of the media and politicians is “the benefits outweigh the risks”. This is untrue because the principle of proportionality must consider the individual, not the population at large. Also Cardinal Sgreccia reminded us: the individual is not a part, but a person; it is a moral abomination to believe that the risk of individual deaths is acceptable if it benefits the community.

Afghanistan will once again become a base for terrorism

Afghanistan will once again become a base for terrorism

NATO had been present in Afghanistan for 20 years. It came not to "export democracy," but rather to fight against terrorism following the attacks of 9/11 in America. What will happen now that the two-decade mission is over? The Doha Agreement that preceded the U.S. withdrawal envisaged peace in exchange for the Taliban's renunciation of anti-American terrorism. And yet the Taliban have already broken their promises. Instead of dealing with the government in Kabul, they have overthrown it. The risk of the return of Afghanistan-based terrorism is real. In Afghanistan there are men freed from maximum security prisons with weapons left behind by the Americans. In the wake of all this is the jihadist "myth" of a country that defeated America.

Italian seminary: not vaccinated, no place for  priesthood

Italian seminary: not vaccinated, no place for priesthood

The priest of tomorrow will not need to be saintly, but vaccinated. The glorious seminary of Milan has become the first educational institution to impose compulsory vaccination. A letter to the 120 seminarians reads: You must all be vaccinated before returning from holiday”. The vice-rector, in turn, confirms the decision to the Daily Compass: We are doing it to return to a more serene life”. And the seminarians who are against it are branded ideologues.

Lazarus, Martha and Mary, dinner table friends of Jesus

Lazarus, Martha and Mary, dinner table friends of Jesus

The three siblings of Bethany had a special relationship with Jesus, one of faith but also of conviviality. And Jesus often stopped to eat at their home. Described in the Gospel of John is the thanksgiving dinner for the resurrection of Lazarus.




Culture 21_08_2021

Afghan refugees and the impossible welcoming rhetoric

Afghan refugees and the impossible welcoming rhetoric

World 20_08_2021 Anna Bono

We all have felt moved by the harrowing scenes at Kabul international airport where thousands of people have tried in vain to leave their country now in the hands of the Taliban. In the world of politics, once again, welcoming refugees and calling for impossible airlifts for millions of people is being urged.

Saint Joseph, Master of Contemplatives

Saint Joseph, Master of Contemplatives

There was no tension in Mary's spouse between the active and the contemplative life, for both were expressions of love. The example of his bride and the daily presence of Jesus helped him reach the heights of contemplation. And this is why saints exhort the faithful to take St. Joseph as the master of their own interior life.

Taliban now masters of Afghanistan, a victory for Pakistan

Taliban now masters of Afghanistan, a victory for Pakistan

What sort of future awaits Afghanistan after the hasty retreat of Western forces and landslide victory of Taliban militias? The Kabul airport will remain open until Western civilians and a minority of Afghans have been evacuated. The Taliban promise tolerance and non-interference in the territories of their neighbours (China and Russia), but this may be just propaganda. Through its secret services, Pakistan has had the biggest victory by aiding and organising the Taliban offensive and by infiltrating government troops. It will now aim to exert its control over the forthcoming Afghan Islamic government.

WHO takes notice of African anti-Covid drug

WHO takes notice of African anti-Covid drug

World 17_08_2021 Anna Bono

The WHO has decided to include artesunate, a derivative of artemisinin, in the group of three medicines whose efficacy in treating Covid-19 patients it intends to test. It has long been in use in Madagascar and Cameroon, but is only now being considered by the WHO.