Saint of the day

Saint Thomas More

Saint Thomas More

When John Paul II proclaimed Saint Thomas More (1478-1535) patron saint of statesmen and politicians, he praised “his passion for the truth”. Pope Wojtyla recalled that the message of the English statesman, martyred under Henry VIII for having defended the freedom of the Church from the self-proclaimed religious supremacy of the king, “speaks to men of all times of the inalienable dignity of conscience”.

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

How was it possible that Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (1568-1591), the brilliant first-born of a family of high nobility who was destined to become a marquis, decided resolutely to leave everything and follow Christ? To understand him, a good start could be the answer he gave to those who could not fathom how he could give up the marquisate: “I seek salvation, you seek it too! You can't serve two masters”.

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Immaculate Heart of Mary

The day after the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Church celebrates the liturgical commemoration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, awaiting with firm hope the fulfilment of the promise made by the Heavenly Mother to the three little shepherds of Fatima: Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph”.

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart of Jesus

On 27 December 1673, on the feast day of St. John the Evangelist (the apostle who at the Last Supper laid his head on the breast of Our Lord to know who would betray Him), St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690) had the first great revelation about the secrets of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which filled her with His divine presence while the Visitandine (Visitation) nun was gathered in Eucharistic adoration.

Saint Gregory Barbarigo

Saint Gregory Barbarigo

When in May 1656 Rome was struck by a terrible plague, Saint Gregory Barbarigo (1625-1697) had only been a priest for five months and had not yet turned 31. And yet Alexander VII, who knew his virtues well, put him at the head of the special commission that organised relief for the plague victims.

Saint Ranieri

Saint Ranieri

Saint Ranieri (c. 1115-1160) was born in Pisa, the city of which he is patron saint, to a family of merchants. Despite the efforts of his parents to give him a Christian upbringing, he spent his early youth gallivanting with friends, ignoring the calls of his family to live more soberly.

Saint Lutgarde

Saint Lutgarde

Famous for her mystical gifts, the Belgian saint Lutgarde (1182-1246) was a precursor of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She received numerous revelations about souls in Purgatory, for whom she offered many of her prayers.

Saint Germaine Cousin

Saint Germaine Cousin

Those who do not believe in Christ will consider St. Germaine Cousin (c. 1579-1601) an unhappy girl who led a meaningless life. Those who believe will instead see her as an exemplary image of the Crucified and Risen One, ready to share her sorrows and be clothed with His glory.

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi

“How did you extract a piece of a living heart from a person?” is the question posed in 2005 by Frederick Zugibe (1928-2013), an expert in forensic medicine and professor at Columbia University, after analyzing a fragment of a consecrated Host, which in 1996 had turned into bleeding flesh in the parish of Santa Maria in Buenos Aires...

Saint Anthony of Padua

Saint Anthony of Padua

In 1228, Gregory IX got to know St. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231), who had come to Rome to safeguard the unity of the Franciscan Order, which was at risk after the death of St. Francis (1181-1226).

Saint Gaspar Bertoni

Saint Gaspar Bertoni

St. Gaspar Bertoni (1777-1853), who for years suffered from a serious illness, called suffering the “school of God”. He took care to educate young people to know Jesus, teaching them to thank the Lord in both joy and trials.

Saint Barnabas

Saint Barnabas

Although not one of the Twelve, Saint Barnabas has always been venerated as an apostle and so called in the Acts of the Apostles, alongside Paul (Acts 14:14), because of the important role he played in the early Church.