Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico

Saint of the day

Saint Bonaventure

Saint Bonaventure

He was one of the great protagonists of 13th century philosophical and theological thought, when the Christian faith showed all its capacity to influence culture

Saint Camillus de Lellis

Saint Camillus de Lellis

The founder of the Ministers of the Infirm obtained permission to sew on the black habit, at chest height, a cross in red cloth, symbol of the redeeming Blood shed by Jesus

Saint Henry II

Saint Henry II

Together with his wife, Saint Cunigunde, he promoted the building of churches and monasteries and contributed to the renewal of the Church

Saints Nabor and Felix

Saints Nabor and Felix

Saint Ambrose extolled their virtues in the hymn Victor, Nabor, Felix pii, also dedicated to Saint Victor, their comrade-in-arms

Saint Benedict of Nursia

Saint Benedict of Nursia

Patron saint of Europe, with his life glorified the Creator and made a fundamental contribution to the formation of European civilization

Saints Rufina and Secunda

Saints Rufina and Secunda

They were two sisters, both betrothed, who put God first and suffered martyrdom during Valerian's persecutions

Holy Chinese Martyrs

Holy Chinese Martyrs

The liturgical calendar commemorates today the heroic testimony of a large number of martyrs who made themselves imitators of Christ crucified in order to guard their greatest gift, faith

Saints Aquila and Priscilla

Saints Aquila and Priscilla

They are among the first great examples of Christian spouses, persevering in faith and united in joy and adversity

Saint Pantaenus

Saint Pantaenus

He was an important apologist and missionary

Saint Maria Goretti

Saint Maria Goretti

“The sweet little martyr of purity” (as Pius XII called her when he canonized her) preferred earthly death rather than sin with the one who became her executioner.

Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria

The founder of the Barnabites spread both the custom of ringing the bells at three o'clock on Friday afternoon and the continuous adoration of the Eucharist through the devotion of the Quarantore

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal

As queen, she had hospitals, monasteries and churches built, became protector of orphans and ordered her almsgiver never to send away anyone in need empty-handed