Saint of the day

Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine Mercy Sunday

On 22 February 1931 Jesus first communicated to St. Faustina Kowalska His desire for a Feast of Divine Mercy to be celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. On that same occasion Our Lord made her a solemn promise, valid for every pilgrim soul on earth.

Saint Peter of Verona

Saint Peter of Verona

He was born from parents involved with Catharism, the heresy that he fought throughout his life, accomplishing numerous conversions

Saint Vincent Ferrer

Saint Vincent Ferrer

His contemporaries called him “the Angel of Judgement”

Saint Isidore of Seville

Saint Isidore of Seville

The first encyclopaedia was born from his genius and it is for this reason that he was proposed as patron saint of the Internet and those who work on it

Saint Richard of Chichester

Saint Richard of Chichester

He defended the Church from the king's interference and promoted a robust reform of the clergy in his diocese

Saint Francis of Paola

Saint Francis of Paola

Mystic and founder of the Order of Minims, he was called “the other Francis” for his charity

Easter Monday

Easter Monday

For the liturgy of the Church, today is Monday in the Octave of Easter. Traditionally it recalls what happened at the tomb the previous day...

Easter of Resurrection

Easter of Resurrection

The pain experienced by Jesus on the day of His death on the Cross, which the faithful of all times relive, acquires meaning in the light of the Resurrection, the supreme proof of His divinity and His eternal words: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday

In this day the faithful are called to relive in silence and meditate on the mystery of Christ in the tomb and on His descent into hell, in soul and divinity, to proclaim salvation to the just

Good Friday

Good Friday

Jesus nailed to the cross reveals the folly of divine Love, which fulfils the ancient promises “as a lamb led to slaughter” (Is 53:7).

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday

On the liturgical level, Holy Thursday includes the Chrism Mass celebrated in the morning in cathedrals and the Mass in Coena Domini. The latter marks the actual beginning of the Triduum.

Saint Rupert of Salzburg

Saint Rupert of Salzburg

Founder of churches and monasteries, he carried out an important part of his apostolate in the lands inhabited by the ancestors of Austrians and Bavarians.