Saint of the day

Saint Ludger

Saint Ludger

The meeting with Boniface and the news of his martyrdom made a great impression on Ludger.

Saint Disma

Saint Disma

The Good Thief is celebrated today, on the same day as the Annunciation (whose celebration in 2024 is moved to April 8). His example on the cross is extolled by the Church Fathers and in works such as the Mystical City of God.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, as we are reminded in the admonition preceding the liturgy and introducing the procession: “Jesus enters Jerusalem to fulfill the mystery of death and Resurrection”.

Saint Catherine of Sweden

Saint Catherine of Sweden

She shared the same attraction to the Christian virtues that inspired the whole of her mother’s life (Saint Bridget) and, like her, she received heavenly revelations.

Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo

Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo

Thanks to his solicitude, roads, schools, hospitals, convents and churches were built. He said: “The only one whom we must always make happy is Our Lord”.

Saint Lea of Rome

Saint Lea of Rome

She was a Roman widow who left her wealth to follow the way of Christ becoming worthy of Paradise through prayer, penance and spiritual motherhood towards various virgins

Saint Nicholas of Flüe

Saint Nicholas of Flüe

Farmer, soldier, hermit, mystic, saviour and patron of Switzerland. The Swiss call him Bruder Klaus, “Brother Nicholas”, and no one in the world knows better than they how much this saint has influenced the history of Switzerland

Saint John Nepomucene

Saint John Nepomucene

Martyr for the freedom of the Church and patron saint of confessors, he was a “grand figure” who “has examples and gifts for everyone” (John Paul II)

Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph

The Gospel does not directly attribute any words to him, but his silence and every circumstance in which he is spoken of have an enormous impact.

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

He took part in the theological dispute over the Arian heresy and left us inspiring pages on the preparation of catechumens for Baptism and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist

Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick

He carried out such important missionary work that it represented a watershed in the history of Ireland

Saint Heribert of Cologne

Saint Heribert of Cologne

He was a shepherd of souls whose thoughts were always focused on God, and who never lost his humility