Saint Agnes by Ermes Dovico

Saint of the day

Saint Agnes

Saint Agnes

She was killed for her Christian faith when she was barely 13. Her martyrdom made a profound impression on the Christian community, giving rise to a fervent popular piety.

Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian

The historical frame to his martyrdom is the resumption of the persecutions under Diocletian.

Saint Macarius the Great

Saint Macarius the Great

Monks used to call him the "Lamp of the Desert" not only because of his virtues but because his face shone in the dark.

Saint Margaret of Hungary

Saint Margaret of Hungary

Her aunt was the famous Saint Elizabeth. Her love for the Eucharist was accompanied by a love of poverty and the Holy Scriptures.

Saint Anthony the Abbot

Saint Anthony the Abbot

To explain how to distinguish between different spirits, Anthony would say that the celestial visions, unlike the demonic ones, which he fought first of all by the sign of the cross, dissolve the disturbances "as did the great archangel Gabriel with Mary and Zechariah".

Franciscan protomartyrs

Franciscan protomartyrs

Saint Francis had sent them to announce the Gospel to Muslims in Spain and Morocco.

Saint Maurus

Saint Maurus

Together with Saint Placidus, he was the most famous disciple of Saint Benedict of Nursia

Saint Felix of Nola

Saint Felix of Nola

Felix was born in Nola to a wealthy Syrian who was there on business. After the death of his father, he sold most of his assets and distributed the proceeds to the poor and consecrated himself to Christ.

Saint Hilary of Poitiers

Saint Hilary of Poitiers

He dedicated his whole religious life to the defence of Christ, true God and true man. He had to face persecution, since the Arian heretics, who denied the divinity of the Son, had the support of the Emperor Constantius.

The Baptism of Jesus

The Baptism of Jesus

Baptism in the Jordan is another Epiphany, since Jesus here appears as the awaited Messiah and Son of God

Saint Hyginus

Saint Hyginus

Saint Hyginus, the ninth pope, was elected in 138 after the death of Saint Telesphorus.

Saint Gregory of Nyssa

Saint Gregory of Nyssa

He is one of the group of Cappadocian Fathers and deserved to be called a "column of orthodoxy"