Saint of the day

Saint Gregory VII

Saint Gregory VII

His name is linked to the “Gregorian Reform”

Mary Help of Christians

Mary Help of Christians

The direct reference to the help given by Mary to her children was already widespread in Greek-speaking Christianity in the early centuries

Saint John Baptist de' Rossi

Saint John Baptist de' Rossi

He became popular because of the extraordinary length of time he dedicated to the sacrament of Confession.

Saint Rita of Cascia

Saint Rita of Cascia

For the faithful she is the “Saint of impossible cases”...

Holy Mexican Martyrs

Holy Mexican Martyrs

The 25 holy martyrs commemorated today lived during the historical context of the 20th century persecutions in Mexico, which resulted in the revolt of the “Cristeros” (1926-1929).

Mary Mother of the Church

Mary Mother of the Church

This title was defined during the Second Vatican Council, but is based on two thousand years of Christianity



Towards the end of Pentecost, on the fiftieth day after Easter, the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus descended abundantly on the disciples gathered in the Upper Room.

Saint John I

Saint John I

His personal ordeal took place near the end of the life of the Ostrogoth king Theodoric, a follower of the Arian heresy.

Saint Paschal Baylón

Saint Paschal Baylón

He was called the “Seraph of the Eucharist” because of the angelic devotion with which he approached and spoke of the real presence of Christ in the consecrated Host

Saint Ubaldus of Gubbio

Saint Ubaldus of Gubbio

He soon developed the desire to consecrate himself to God, distinguishing himself by his spirit of prayer and chastity

Saint Isidore the Farmer

Saint Isidore the Farmer

Invoked as patron saint of farmers and crops, he reached the heights of holiness by trusting in Jesus' invitation to give precedence to the needs of the soul over those of the body

Saint Matthias

Saint Matthias

He was called to replace Judas Iscariot in the time immediately following the Ascension. Matthias then participated with the other apostles and Mary Most Holy in the extraordinary event of Pentecost