Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico

Saint of the day

Saint Gaspar Bertoni

Saint Gaspar Bertoni

St. Gaspar Bertoni (1777-1853), who for years suffered from a serious illness, called suffering the “school of God”. He took care to educate young people to know Jesus, teaching them to thank the Lord in both joy and trials.

Saint Barnabas

Saint Barnabas

Although not one of the Twelve, Saint Barnabas has always been venerated as an apostle and so called in the Acts of the Apostles, alongside Paul (Acts 14:14), because of the important role he played in the early Church.

Saint Landry of Paris

Saint Landry of Paris

The first hospital in Paris, the Hôtel-Dieu (“Hostel of God”), and the oldest in the world still in operation was founded in 651 by Saint Landry (Landericus). The saint had the idea and the charity to gather the sick under one roof in order to improve their treatment and reduce the risks of contagion, at a time when epidemics were fairly frequent.

Saint Ephrem the Syrian

Saint Ephrem the Syrian

“The great Ephrem has awakened the numbed souls; comforted the afflicted; formed, directed and exhorted the young; mirror of monks, guide of penitents, sword and arrow against heretics, casket of virtues, temple and resting place of the Holy Spirit.” Thus a great Eastern Father and Doctor of the Church, St. John Chrysostom (†407), wrote about St. Ephrem the Syrian (306-373), the most important of Syriac writers and himself a Doctor of the Church.

Saint James Berthieu

Saint James Berthieu

A shining example of what it means to give one's life for Christ, in union with His sacrifice on the cross, is offered by Saint James Berthieu (27 November 1838 - 8 June 1896). This French priest was a Jesuit missionary killed in Madagascar during the Malagasy rebellion of 1896, when he preferred martyrdom to giving in to repeated requests to deny the faith.

Most Holy Trinity

Most Holy Trinity

Fides omnium christianorum in Trinitate consistit, “the faith of all Christians rests on the Trinity”, Saint Augustine taught about the greatest mystery that exists.

Saint Norbert

Saint Norbert

Saint Norbert (c. 1080-1134), founder of the Premonstratensian Order, was born into a family belonging to the high nobility and close to the court of the Holy Roman Empire. His father was Count of Gennep, in present-day Holland, but Norbert had been educated in nearby Xanten, on Germanic soil...

Saint Boniface

Saint Boniface

A tireless missionary, he was erudite and passionate about the Word of God. Out of love for the Creator he set off one last time at about 80 years of age, wishing to announce the Gospel to the pagans who would shortly afterwards martyr him.

Saint Francis Caracciolo

Saint Francis Caracciolo

He is often depicted contemplating the Blessed Sacrament. Eucharistic adoration was in fact at the heart of his days and nights

Ugandan Holy Martyrs

Ugandan Holy Martyrs

Today the Church celebrates the memory of saint Charles Lwanga and other 21 Catholic martyrs killed on different days between 1885 and 1887 and proclaimed saints all together in October 1964 by Paul VI

Saints Marcellinus and Peter

Saints Marcellinus and Peter

In the early centuries of Christianity, Saints Marcellinus and Peter (†304), martyred during Diocletian's persecutions, enjoyed great popularity. We owe the oldest written record of their martyrdom to Saint Damasus (c. 305-384), the Pope who composed famous epigrams in honour of the martyrs and identified several sepulchres.

Mary Mother of the Church

Mary Mother of the Church

Today we commemorate the Blessed Virgin Mary “Mother of the Church”, a title that was defined during the Second Vatican Council, but which is based on two thousand years of Christianity and the history of salvation.