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Hurrah for Biden the Catholic: now the Church accepts abortion

Hurrah for Biden the Catholic: now the Church accepts abortion

Upon the American Catholic bishops sending a note of congratulations to abortion advocate Joe Biden, the Church now accepts abortion. One’s position for or against life is no longer a criterion for evaluating political behaviour. In short: abortion is no longer an issue for the Catholic Church. Today, we must sadly take note of this. Whoever has lived through the era of John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae and the battle against the "culture of death" will definitely feel a chill run down their spine.

US presidential elections confirm the end of democracy

US presidential elections confirm the end of democracy

What is happening in the U.S. presidential elections is beyond belief. Since Trump is the quintessential villain and since every means is legitimate to get rid of him, we have witnessed a steady rise of "irregularities" at the polling stations. Above all, we have seen an alliance between the mass media and the powers that be to cover them up and legitimise them. Indeed, St. John Paul II’s prophecy, and reiterated not so long ago by Benedict XVI, is now being fulfilled:  “As history demonstrates, a democracy without values easily turns into an open or thinly disguised totalitarianism."

Wanda Poltawska, the anti-abortion champion and her sad birthday

Wanda Poltawska, the anti-abortion champion and her sad birthday

St. John Paul II’s friend and Polish concentration camp victim of  Nazi abortion experiments said: "I saw Nazis tossing newborn babies into crematoriums: for all my life I’ve had these harrowing images before my eyes...I promised myself, if I survived, to study medicine and to defend life." Today Wanda Poltawska celebrates her 99th birthday while witnessing the latest attack on life in her native Poland.

Therapeutic liqueurs that encourage “leisureliness”

Therapeutic liqueurs that encourage “leisureliness”

From phytotherapy came elixirs and then digestifs, imbibed for medicinal purposes - until the FDA banned their sale for this use. Fortunately, today Italy is still the country with the highest number of bitters produced in the world. And for this we owe thanks to the monasteries, convents and abbeys.



Culture 07_11_2020

Armenia, they fight with faith, conversions under the bombs

Armenia, they fight with faith, conversions under the bombs

The Daily Compass encounters Armenia; the prayers of the 23 year old soldier who enlisted and was wounded in defense of his homeland, the soldier and his bride amidst ruins, the priests who depart to be with the combatants. And the Russian correspondent wounded during the artillery shelling of the cathedral and narrates the miracle of his survival in the little girl who medicated him: “I was an atheist, but I now believe in God”. Testimonials of a combative people animated by faith in Christ.

Vatican diplomacy, the inconvenient truth

Vatican diplomacy, the inconvenient truth

In his latest open letter, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò shines new light on the extraordinary career of Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, the second most powerful figure inside the Vatican’s Secretariat of State. Peña Parra is currently under investigation for accusations of homosexuality, abuse and corruption. But the apparent scandal extends well beyond just his own case...

Only Benedict XVI defended the West

Only Benedict XVI defended the West

The violent Islamist attacks in France over the last few days and confirmed by the ones in Austria, constitute a broadside against the West. The Catholic Church, which doesn’t even name Islam or use Islamist, reveals its unwillingness to defend the West. Just the opposite of Benedict XVI’s pontificate.

The many little Eichmanns of a ‘pandemically’ correct world

The many little Eichmanns of a ‘pandemically’ correct world

Singled out is whoever is openly skeptical about anti-Covid measures, others are punished for dissenting with mainstream thought, the manhunt continues for the plague spreader with his nose peeking out of his mask. We are at the mercy of so many Eichmanns, model citizens who think what they must think, obey, and never step out of line, “because so says the law”.

The lives of the Nice martyrs is what can save Europe

The lives of the Nice martyrs is what can save Europe

The tears and anger in front of a mother killed while praying, a beheaded elderly woman, a man stabbed while serving God with love, serve to understand that keeping silent about the differences between the Christian God of life and the Islamic God of death is a source of conflict. Only the proclamation of the faith witnessed by these martyrs can bring peace to the world. As one wrote shortly before his death, citing Psalm 91: "I will rescue him, for he acknowledges my name... I will show him my salvation.”

How jam-making flourished thanks to the Crusaders

How jam-making flourished thanks to the Crusaders

In the recipe book ‘De re coquinaria’, a collection of Roman culinary recipes in ten books compiled at the end of the 4th century, we find the recipe for jam made from figs simmered in honey. After the Crusades, the import of sugar brought about the production of jams by monasteries, a tradition that continues to this day.

Elderberry Jam

Elderberry Jam

Culture 31_10_2020