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The equivocal “Sons of Abraham”

The equivocal “Sons of Abraham”

It is right to invite the three religions to collaborate for development and peace, but it isn’t to try and make a new religion of the Sons of Abraham. Yet, this is precisely the risk that Pope Francis ran with the approach he took in Ur.

Biennial lockdowns, good for the climate bad for mankind

Biennial lockdowns, good for the climate bad for mankind

The equivalent of a lockdown every two years, because, in 2020, an annual CO2 reduction target set by the Paris agreements was doubled. This is what a study by Nature Climate Change attests. Rather than suggesting to repeat the experience, however, it calls for the same result to be achieved by adopting a green energy policy. But, at what human and material costs?

Sixtus IV and Platina, a historic meeting for gastronomy

Sixtus IV and Platina, a historic meeting for gastronomy

Over the centuries, various Popes have left their mark - some more, some less - on culinary art and literature. In particular, Sixtus IV financed the first printed book on gastronomy, 'De honesta voluptate et valetudine', written by Bartolomeo Sacchi, known as Platina, who not only wrote his own recipes but also translated into Latin those of a great chef of the time, Maestro Martino.


"Entering an era of pandemics"? Not so fast, phobocracy!

"Entering an era of pandemics"? Not so fast, phobocracy!

The European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, says that "we are entering an era of pandemics." Even after Covid is over, nevertheless "the risk is still there" of further global disease. Indeed, pandemics - like the Spanish and Asian flus - have always dwelt among us. But they have never disrupted human existence as they do now. “Phobocracy” is just the latest development in governance: whoever is capable of terrorising the masses is now in charge.

Congo and Guinea, Ebola is back

Congo and Guinea, Ebola is back

World 04_03_2021 Anna Bono

Since February 3, Ebola has again struck the Democratic Republic of Congo: the first victim was a 42-year-old woman who died after two days. Meanwhile, the virus has also reappeared in Guinea. The WHO has alerted the countries most at risk, where Ebola, which has a lethality rate varying between 25 and 90%, is much more alarming than Covid. At least, compared to the past, there is more availability of vaccines.

Khashoggi revealed, the many whys of a Saudi crime

Khashoggi revealed, the many whys of a Saudi crime

World 03_03_2021 Souad Sbai

By declassifying a CIA report more than two years later, the new US president is reopening the Khashoggi case. The journalist, who was murdered in Istanbul in 2018 in the Saudi consulate, was linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. He promoted its agenda in the Washington Post.

Pope Frances’ visit, a ray of hope for Iraq

Pope Frances’ visit, a ray of hope for Iraq

From the 5th to 8th March Pope Francis will be in Iraq, barring last-minute impediments. His trip brings him to a country still hostage to internal and international conflicts, and with a decimated and persecuted Christian community. The Pope has no magic wand but everyone is expecting him to pronounce words of truth and justice that hold the strength of the Word of God; a cry that calls the oppressors to conversion.

UK will reopen before the EU it exited from

UK will reopen before the EU it exited from

The reopening roadmap announced by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson looks like a dream when seen from EU countries. Yet, in spite of those who predicted post-Brexit catastrophes, at least in terms of managing the Covid war, the fact is the United Kingdom has proven itself much better prepared than the EU from which it recently exited.

Lent and fasting, a means of opening up to God

Lent and fasting, a means of opening up to God

During Lent, the faithful are invited to eat simply, almost frugally. The self-control exercised during this period is a way of strengthening the soul, following the example of Jesus in the desert, in order to be filled with Him. Even during Lent, however, various countries present interesting recipes, based on vegetables, fish and inexpensive ingredients.




Culture 27_02_2021

Portugal: President blocks euthanasia law

Portugal: President blocks euthanasia law

Portugal's president has decided to refer to the Constitutional Court a law recently passed by Parliament that allows for the killing of the sick. In his opinion, the legislation is unconstitutional. In any case, there are several possible outcomes to its passage, including a presidential veto. Meanwhile, the pro-life world is rejoicing.