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So many lies about Covid and Africa

So many lies about Covid and Africa

World 30_03_2021 Anna Bono

The Covid-19 situation in Africa is very different from what we are being told. First of all, the statistics show that the pandemic is not the continent's number one problem. Secondly, the rhetoric about poor countries not receiving vaccines clashes with reality: the doses have arrived, but no health organisation is there to help manage administering them to the enormous population.

Covid, the success of the vitamin that is not a vitamin

Covid, the success of the vitamin that is not a vitamin

Vitamin D is a kind of hormone, the intake of which stimulates the immune response and modulates it. This is why it is important to take plenty of vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of Covid. Professor Giancarlo Isaia, president of the Turin Academy of Medicine, talks about it.

The victor is the one who gives their life for others, not the one who takes it away

The victor is the one who gives their life for others, not the one who takes it away

The path indicated by Christ shuns Power, it leads to the Cross, this is the triumph of God. Let’s imitate Mary’s behaviour; let us be humble and together with her follow the Lord on the way of the Cross. This is also where our victory lies.


Lawrence, the saint who teaches the fervour of faith

Lawrence, the saint who teaches the fervour of faith

Saint Lawrence is the patron saint of various categories of food workers, such as cooks, pasta makers, rotisserie workers and pastry makers. He is depicted as a young deacon dressed in the dalmatic. His iconographic attribute is the gridiron, because of the torture he suffered. In the story of his martyrdom, legends and historical truths are woven together, but his story certainly shows us the beauty of sacrificing oneself for the Lord.


Another Easter of restrictions for Masses in Europe

Another Easter of restrictions for Masses in Europe

It will be another Holy Week with strictures placed on worship. The Vatican Easter Vigil Mass will take place earlier at 7.30 pm. In Germany, protesting bishops are pushing Merkel to reverse her government’s measures. Meanwhile, in Ireland,  threats are mounting to arrest 'disobedient' priests and in Belgium a 15-person limit remains in effect  for all religious services other than funerals. COMECE bishops denounced using Covid as a pretext to restrict religious freedom.

How WHO and Bill Gates are taking control of our health

How WHO and Bill Gates are taking control of our health

What lies behind making vaccination the priority? A mammoth operation of power and public and private funding which, in collaboration with the WHO (World Health Organization) the World Bank and Gavi, has received support from the wealthy elites such as Bill Gates. The Daily Compass interviewed Pier Francesco Belli, an expert in health governance, who said: "The European Union 'ceded' political control of epidemics and infectious diseases to the WHO, which is bankrolled by Gates and favours specific emergency procedures. Gates knew that making a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) vaccine would take very little time, unlike traditional vaccinations. Teaming up with biotech companies to create a vaccine implied a whole new enterprise for pharmaceutical companies. This is exactly what happened."

How WHO and Bill Gates are taking control of our health

How WHO and Bill Gates are taking control of our health

What lies behind making vaccination the priority? A mammoth operation of power and public and private funding which, in collaboration with the WHO (World Health Organization) the World Bank and Gavi, has received support from the wealthy elites such as Bill Gates. The Daily Compass interviewed Pier Francesco Belli, an expert in health governance, who said: "The European Union 'ceded' political control of epidemics and infectious diseases to the WHO, which is bankrolled by Gates and favours specific emergency procedures. Gates knew that making a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) vaccine would take very little time, unlike traditional vaccinations. Teaming up with biotech companies to create a vaccine implied a whole new enterprise for pharmaceutical companies. This is exactly what happened."

Blessings for gays: Rome spake... but also didn’t

Blessings for gays: Rome spake... but also didn’t

The intervention of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith prohibiting blessings for homosexual couples has provoked reactions from bishops and theologians disappointed with Pope Francis. Some believe that the praxis will not change because doctrinally forbidden praxis are still being implemented despite the fact that they are forbidden. This is the result of a confused doctrine that tolerates the intolerable after having declared that it is intolerable.

Orban leaves the EPP. Time for clarity

Orban leaves the EPP. Time for clarity

The Hungarian Fidesz party has quit the European People's Party group. The EPP, together with the Socialists and Liberals, had already been voting against Hungary over the last two years. The EPP is systematically betraying its Christian values. Now Orban's withdrawl makes things clearer and just may be the precursor to the birth of a new, more coherent group.

“We treat Covid at home and the mortality rate is almost zero”

“We treat Covid at home and the mortality rate is almost zero”

“The network of doctors treating the Coronavirus at home was started by one of us who wondered why such brilliant results were being achieved in Africa. When we found the solution lay in drugs and early treatment, we started to work in the same way: we respond to requests sent by email and have treated more than 6,000 cases. Mortality is practically zero”. This is what Dr Paolo Martino Allegri tells the Daily Compass about the work of IppocrateOrg.

Spain, transformed into an "extermination camp".

Spain, transformed into an "extermination camp".

Euthanasia puts an end to all rights.There are no more unavailable goods. What comes next are the laws that favour "transhumanism". This is the hour of the return of the "barbarians" who, drunk with power, do not know how to sustain the common home, the family home that Spain has meant and means. These are times when the Catholic Church cannot look elsewhere: Spain needs Christ, in whom the splendour of the truth of the person shines forth. These are the dramatic words of Bishop Reig Pla after euthanasia became law in Spain on March, 18. The Daily Compass has received permission to publish the text in full.