Saint John Paul II by Ermes Dovico

Ms Metsola, from pro-life to abortionist. For power purposes alone

Ms Metsola, from pro-life to abortionist. For power purposes alone

The election of Roberta Metsola from Malta as the new president of the European Parliament, by a healthy majority of the votes cast, is not good news. Yesterday, those who cheered her anti-abortionism were soon forced to change their minds after hearing what she had to say about "reproductive health" and "nationalism". And then there is her commitment to LGBTI rights.

Outspoken Nigerian bishop criticises President for ongoing violence

Outspoken Nigerian bishop criticises President for ongoing violence

World 04_01_2022 Anna Bono

Archbishop Matthew Hassan Kukah criticises the ongoing violence in Nigeria and President Buhari’s silence on the matter. He condemns the plague of kidnappings with the disappearance of hundreds of boys and girls. Also Fr Luke Adeleke died in such an attack.

"Christians displaced and churches destroyed, Turkish jihad in Cyprus"

"Christians displaced and churches destroyed, Turkish jihad in Cyprus"

After the invasion in 1974, "Turkey’s ethnic cleansing in northern Cyprus resulted in the displacement of some 200,000 Greek Cypriots". Women and children were raped, detained and killed. More than 500 churches and monasteries were looted or destroyed and toponyms changed to Turkish, for a "cultural genocide" aimed at erasing the Greek-Christian identity of Cyprus. The Daily Compass interviewed Uzay Bulut a Turkish journalist.

Nordstream 2 (and Ukraine) divide US and Russia

Nordstream 2 (and Ukraine) divide US and Russia

The direct confrontation between Biden and Putin failed to lower tensions on the Ukrainian "front": Russia wants to keep NATO at a distance; the US is trying to create a division between Russia and Europe, starting with the boycott of the Russian-German gas pipeline Nordstream 2.

Gibraltar’s case confutes health emergencyism

Gibraltar’s case confutes health emergencyism

In Gibraltar everyone is vaccinated but the curve of contagions is increasing and the government is launching new social restrictions. Gibraltar is the extreme case that shows the dead-end towards which all countries that have not adopted a realistic and proportionate approach to the issue are heading.

Zhang Zhan and the Wuhan witnesses are role models

Zhang Zhan and the Wuhan witnesses are role models

In the same year that two dissident journalists were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of freedom of expression, an independent Chinese journalist, Christian, Zhang Zhan, risks to die in prison. She, like all the other ‘citizen reporters’, had tried to document the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan. They have been either been arrested or have gone missing.

French Catholics put hope in Jewish writer, Zemmour

French Catholics put hope in Jewish writer, Zemmour

Éric Zemmour, a journalist and essayist of Algerian Jewish origin, could really become the new reference point for French Catholics if he runs in the next presidential election. Macron is the first 'post-Christian' president who considered the national religion of France as one of many cults. While the France of the institutions and the media has slipped to the left, the people are becoming increasingly conservative Catholic. Zemmour, though not a Christian, is well aware that without the Church France would be lost.

Poland is right, democracy in Europe is at stake

Poland is right, democracy in Europe is at stake

The clash over national sovereignty between Poland and the European Union raises the fundamental question: Should the process of European integration result in the creation of a supranational entity that is above the individual Member States, or should these states retain their sovereignty and transfer only part of it to Brussels? This is the statement made by the former president of the Czech Republic Václav Klaus on the subject.

Taiwan and China on a knife-edge. Xi Jinping moderates his tone

Taiwan and China on a knife-edge. Xi Jinping moderates his tone

International talks are taking place between China and the EU and between China and the US. The bone of contention is Taiwan. The country, de facto independent, is not officially recognised by any state. But, due to Beijing‘s worsening international relations, Taiwan has more informal contacts with the EU and the US. As the crisis grows, Xi Jinping softens his tone. He also has to tend to China’s internal crisis.

Central Europe builds walls, sends EU into crisis

Central Europe builds walls, sends EU into crisis

Not only the Visegrád countries, former European members of the Warsaw Pact, but also the Baltic countries, Austria, Greece, Cyprus and Denmark: when twelve EU countries ask to erect physical barriers against illegal immigration, Brussels doesn't know how to respond. Yet the Western countries most affected by the phenomenon, are still aiming for inclusion

The anti-malaria vaccine, success after failure

The anti-malaria vaccine, success after failure

World 12_10_2021 Anna Bono

The new vaccine against malaria was approved by the WHO on 6 October. In Africa, where the disease still claims the highest number of victims, everyone is hoping its distribution will be immediate. It could save tens of millions of lives. But ironically, this renowned success is proof of defeat: the policies aimed at eradicating malaria in Africa have failed so far.

China’s war games against Taiwan, test the West

China’s war games against Taiwan, test the West

The repetitive air strikes that China has conducted in recent days in Taiwan's airspace, are the signal of a dangerous military escalation which involves all countries in the region and the United States. While an all out war between China and Taiwan is unlikely at the moment, the risk of the Chinese conducting lightning operations against Taiwan-controlled islands is instead a real danger to test whether the US and the West intend to fight for Taiwan.