Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico

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St Joseph’s all-powerful intercession

St Joseph’s all-powerful intercession

Over the last century and a half, the Magisterium has honoured the role of St Joseph in salvation history several times, stating what is implicit in Holy Scripture and inherent in the sensus fidei. Not only was Mary's spouse recognised (under Blessed Pius IX) as the Patron of the Church, but his intercession was also described by Pius XI as “omnipotent”.

Poland defends Europe’s borders, the EU cuts its funds

Poland defends Europe’s borders, the EU cuts its funds

Europe is taking advantage of the crisis at its borders and intends to starve Warsaw. Belarus is deliberately pushing immigrants to Eastern European borders, especially Poland’s, in retaliation against EU sanctions. Therefore, Poland is serving the interests of all members of the Union. Just two days ago, the European Parliament’s major parties sent the Commission a request to suspend the Recovery Plan, essential for the reconstruction of the Polish economy post Covid. The same reason is always given, the reform of the judiciary which, according to the European parties, "violates the rule of law". Hungary is next on the list.

Lessons to be learned from Texas and its halved abortion

Lessons to be learned from Texas and its halved abortion

It’s called the “Initial impact of Law no. 8 of the Texas Senate on abortions in Texas and in out-of-state facilities” and it is a piece of research developed by the Texas Policy Evaluation Project of the University of Austin. The research informs us that abortions in September 2021 were half those compared to September 2020

Gibraltar’s case confutes health emergencyism

Gibraltar’s case confutes health emergencyism

In Gibraltar everyone is vaccinated but the curve of contagions is increasing and the government is launching new social restrictions. Gibraltar is the extreme case that shows the dead-end towards which all countries that have not adopted a realistic and proportionate approach to the issue are heading.

Traditional Latin Mass: Roche contradicts Benedict XVI

Traditional Latin Mass: Roche contradicts Benedict XVI

The reply sent by Msgr. Roche’s to Cardinal Nichols at his request for clarification on aspects of Pope Franciss motu proprio on the Latin Mass, especially for the administration of the sacraments, has been made public. The prefect for Divine Worship considers the ancient rite contrary to "ecclesiology", contradicting Benedict XVI who emphasized its dignity and made clear that the 1962 Missal has never been repealed. Roche even forgets the 1971 indult, indicating the way Vetus Ordo will ultimately die a death.

Francesca Cabrini, an intransigent saint

Francesca Cabrini, an intransigent saint

Foundress of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, on the advice of Leo XIII she left for America to evangelise and help Italian emigrants. She set up nurseries, schools, boarding schools for students, orphanages, rest homes, and hospitals. She gave extraordinary value to female religiosity and practised charity in a thousand ways. She never compromised with evil.


Spaghetti and meatballs

Spaghetti and meatballs

Culture 13_11_2021

Wave of immigrants from Belarus, exposes EU hypocrisy

Wave of immigrants from Belarus, exposes EU hypocrisy

The wave of emigrants from Belarus pressing at Poland's borders is rightly described by EU leaders as a destabilising move. Lukashenko uses the "weapon of mass migration" to obtain the withdrawal of sanctions. But the same attitude has never been taken when Italy was in the same predicament.

Al Gore wants to inflict a Big Green Brother on us

Al Gore wants to inflict a Big Green Brother on us

The former US Vice President Al Gore has announced the creation of a new technology (Climate TRACE) that will monitor greenhouse gas emissions on the entire planet. According to Gore, this new "big green brother" is able to trace the "identities" of those "responsible" for greenhouse gas emissions. It amounts to an eco-imperialism, with its devils and witches, that will crush everything and everyone. 

Socialism of the privileged

Socialism of the privileged

How did it happen that the left has become, in the last twenty years, the 'party' of the privileged, the elite, the establishment? It is an undeniable and international phenomenon. And it is much more aggressive than its predecessors in repressing dissent. It now also includes the right-wing, in an "Inclusive" Social Democracy, or ISD.

Zhang Zhan and the Wuhan witnesses are role models

Zhang Zhan and the Wuhan witnesses are role models

In the same year that two dissident journalists were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of freedom of expression, an independent Chinese journalist, Christian, Zhang Zhan, risks to die in prison. She, like all the other ‘citizen reporters’, had tried to document the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan. They have been either been arrested or have gone missing.

The vaccine provokes paraesthesia: EMA breaks the taboo

The vaccine provokes paraesthesia: EMA breaks the taboo

They were taken for neurotics, filled with anxiolytics, when their pain is real. In an update of Comirnaty Pharmacovigilance, the EMA has inserted almost 22 thousand cases of parestesia as a possible post vaccine connection. They are “mysterious" burning sensations reported by many - especially women - who in these months have had their lives turned upside down and have been ignored without receiving a diagnosis.The pathologist Dr. Bellavite told the Daily Compass: «It’s an important recognition in order to verify the adverse event, now it is necessary to find the causes of these symptoms to understand if they are of a vascular or a neurological nature».