Saint Bernardino Realino by Ermes Dovico

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Poland is right, democracy in Europe is at stake

Poland is right, democracy in Europe is at stake

The clash over national sovereignty between Poland and the European Union raises the fundamental question: Should the process of European integration result in the creation of a supranational entity that is above the individual Member States, or should these states retain their sovereignty and transfer only part of it to Brussels? This is the statement made by the former president of the Czech Republic Václav Klaus on the subject.

Sir David Amess MP stabbed, Catholics in danger

Sir David Amess MP stabbed, Catholics in danger

Sir David Amess, the British MP killed by an Islamic terrorist, was a practicing Catholic and defender of non-negotiable principles. He was denied the last rites, when a local priest was barred by the police from entering the crime scene. But, the proposal of an amendment to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill would allow the last sacrament to be administered also in these cases. If the proposal becomes law, then even after his death, David will have achieved something good for British Catholics. Msgr. Kevin Hale, his friend and pastor shares his memories and concerns for the Catholic community.

Dominic Savio and the secret of saintliness

Dominic Savio and the secret of saintliness

Coming from a large family, humble and rich in faith, the very young Dominic Savio once asked Don Bosco what the secret of saintliness was. To pray and do good, with joy, was the reply. And Dominic did just that, proving to be a "a small, or rather great, giant of the spirit", as Pius XI called him.



Asti-style pork chops

Asti-style pork chops

Culture 23_10_2021

Woelki’s salary under threat by leftist Church

Woelki’s salary under threat by leftist Church

The spokesman for "We are the Church" has asked that the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, be deprived of his salary, although it is his legal entitlement and despite having emerged completely innocent from the accusation that he had covered up the abuses described in the Cologne report. Moreover, attacks against the bishop have multiplied recently,  "guilty" of not supporting the new path of the German Church.

Confessional secrecy, the Vatican speaks up

Confessional secrecy, the Vatican speaks up

The French Episcopal Conference is backtracking on its initial reactions to the violation of the sacramental seal, but it is the head of the Vatican’s Apostolic Penitentiary, Cardinal Piacenza, who has reaffirmed to ACI Stampa: “The secret cannot be touched”.

“I witnessed Pope John Paul I’s miracle”

“I witnessed Pope John Paul I’s miracle”

July 22, 2011: Candela Giarda, an eleven year old Argentine, is in intensive care on life support, she weighs just 19 kilos and for months has been suffering from acute epileptic encephalopathy, aggravated by a septic state of bronchopneumonia. “The doctors warn Candela’s mother that she won’t survive the night and that her  death is imminent.” The Daily Compass interviewed Father José Dabusti, the priest who on that evening of July 22, in Buenos Aires, invited Candela's mother to pray at her daughter’s bedside, to ask Pope Albino Luciani’s intercession. 

Let those who seek purity invoke Saint Joseph

Let those who seek purity invoke Saint Joseph

Sins of the flesh are a great danger to the soul and, in spite of today's permissiveness, enslave man. In contrast, chastity, to which each person is called according to his or her state of life, is based on self-control and makes us free. It is linked to charity. And it has its natural patron in St Joseph, who is to be invoked against all carnal temptations.

Betraying the Seal of Confession, betrays Christ

Betraying the Seal of Confession, betrays Christ

If the French bishops had read the best fairy tales, they would never have made the fatal mistake of asking the "dragon's" allies to "help" them eradicate the scourge of child abuse. Priests in confession are not conducting a profession, but are part of a sacrament. To betray the Seal of Confession means to betray the sacrament and to betray the sacrament means to betray Christ Himself. Of course, the Church has few weapons to defend her libertas, but she still has martyrdom. Benedict XVI pointed to Saint Anselmo as an example.

Hyacintha Marescotti, from egotist to saint

Hyacintha Marescotti, from egotist to saint

Born Clarice, the daughter of a count, she entered the convent after suffering a disappointment in love. For years she lived a self-centred life, in spite of her consecrated status. In her illness she discovered God: she asked for her sisters' forgiveness, and began a life of prayer and privation, dedicating herself to the poor and the sick. And with her example she attracted to the faith many who were far from it.



Viterbo-style Panzanella

Viterbo-style Panzanella

Culture 16_10_2021

Taiwan and China on a knife-edge. Xi Jinping moderates his tone

Taiwan and China on a knife-edge. Xi Jinping moderates his tone

International talks are taking place between China and the EU and between China and the US. The bone of contention is Taiwan. The country, de facto independent, is not officially recognised by any state. But, due to Beijing‘s worsening international relations, Taiwan has more informal contacts with the EU and the US. As the crisis grows, Xi Jinping softens his tone. He also has to tend to China’s internal crisis.