Life and Bioethics

Covid and global warming, permanent "alliance".

Covid and global warming, permanent "alliance".

The WHO announced Covid "is here to stay" and that global warming could aggravate 50% of known pathogens. But, the first solution to the “crisis” is fearmongering.

"I'm ill, but I want to live." Hospital asks judge to end her life

"I'm ill, but I want to live." Hospital asks judge to end her life

British doctors want to end the life of a fully conscious 19-year-old schoolgirl in intensive care because she can't get better. And the judge agrees, the girl’s will doesn’t count

Renting uteruses in USA benefits Mainland Chinese

Renting uteruses in USA benefits Mainland Chinese

There is a boom in surrogacy to the benefit of couples residing in China who circumvent prohibitions at home to obtain American citizenship for their babies. National Security Alert.

UK democracy “on trial”: ex-soldier challenges “thought-police” on abortion

UK democracy “on trial”: ex-soldier challenges “thought-police” on abortion

Adam Smith-Connor fought for freedom in Afghanistan, and is now being prosecuted in England for praying in silence for his aborted son near an abortion clinic. Mr Smith-Connor explains to the Daily Compass why his conversion to Christianity prompted a battle to defend life and freedom of thought in his home country.

US bishops versus pro-abortion Catholic politicians: an exemplary stance

US bishops versus pro-abortion Catholic politicians: an exemplary stance

Catholic Democratic politicians would like to reconcile faith and pro-abortion battles. Msgr Broglio does not agree: the firm stance is also a clear signal on the equilibrium between American prelates and Santa Marta.

London: lobbyists demand full term abortion after mum imprisoned

London: lobbyists demand full term abortion after mum imprisoned

The dramatic case of eight-month pregnant Carla Foster, jailed for having induced an abortion at home becomes a pretext for demanding abortion at full term. But, the tragic consequences of that abortion go unmentioned.

Africa resists: No to contraception, Yes to Humanae Vitae

Africa resists: No to contraception, Yes to Humanae Vitae

The prophetic words of Paul VI in Humanae Vitae find confirmation first of all in Africa, victim of the neo-Malthusian attempts of the West, which offers aid subject to the acceptance of anti-values on sexuality and family. But in the Dark Continent a pro-life culture resists and is stronger than ideology.

The Reasonableness and Beauty of the Teaching of Humanae Vitae

The Reasonableness and Beauty of the Teaching of Humanae Vitae

From the timid acceptance of contraception to the generalized acceptance of abortion: the common root, underlines prof. John Haas, lies in considering procreation as an evil to be avoided. Hence the contradiction of a good (birth) considered evil and an evil (abortion) claimed as a right.

Humanae Vitae: bold, prophetic, and increasingly relevant

Humanae Vitae: bold, prophetic, and increasingly relevant

From sexual relations excluding children to children generated, or rather 'produced', excluding sex, to a future that by dint of manipulation will do away not only with the male-female duality, but with man himself. Only an integral anthropology will save us from the post-human drift: this is the perennial validity of Paul VI's encyclical, in the words of Cardinal Ladaria Ferrer.

Pro-abortion superheroes, evil masquerading as good

Pro-abortion superheroes, evil masquerading as good

To publicise abortion and other dogmas of political correctness, the IPPF has come up with a campaign featuring six 'safe reproduction', anti-life, superheroes. Good and evil are thus reversed. But behind it there is an epic idea of the struggle for 'new rights'.

UK: another baby born from three biological parents using immoral technique

UK: another baby born from three biological parents using immoral technique

The BBC speaks of ‘Baby born from three people's DNA in UK first’. In reality, the technique of mitochondrial replacement has been practised for years and there are already 30 to 50 youngsters born this way worldwide. But the procedure contradicts natural law, alters genetic identity, objectifies the child, and exposes it to disease.

Assisted suicide: Paglia's OK destroys Magisterium

Assisted suicide: Paglia's OK destroys Magisterium

The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life Vincenzo Paglia has given his OK to the assisted suicide law from the columns of Renzi's newspaper Il Riformista. In a plethora of heresies and leaning on the liberalist drifts of current social conditions and widespread pluralism, the bishop openly contradicts the Magisterium and the pronouncements of the Italian Bishops' Conference, even going so far as to say that the Church does not own the truth on these issues.