Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico

Life and Bioethics

Replacement  babies, rent a womb comes with "guarantees"

Replacement babies, rent a womb comes with "guarantees"

Among the 46 guarantees offered by Gestlife, a company of surrogacy lawyers, is the restart of the surrogate uterus program should the baby die within two years of birth. It goes beyond the "satisfied or get a refund" formula. It’s the chilling confirmation babies are considered objects.

UN investigates whether UK violated Archie Battersbee's rights

UN investigates whether UK violated Archie Battersbee's rights

Eight months after the death of Archie Battersbee, whose life support was withdrawn against the family’s wishes, the UN Committee for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has decided to assess whether the United Kingdom violated the twelve-year-old’s right to life. Sanctions for the country are not excluded.

United Kingdom: silent prayer becomes thought crime

United Kingdom: silent prayer becomes thought crime


The House of Commons has definitively approved the Bill that creates buffer zones around "sensitive" services. It gives wide discretionary powers to the police and makes consensual conversations and silent prayers criminal acts. Some parliamentarians protest: an attack on freedom and democracy.


Isabel and Fr Sean acquitted but praying for life remains risky

Isabel and Fr Sean acquitted but praying for life remains risky

Arrested for praying silently near an abortion clinic, the two Catholic and pro-life activists, are found "not guilty". A major victory against thought crime, but a law looms that will make it mandatory in England and Wales to ban people from approaching all abortion clinics.

Catholic priest arrested, pro-life prayer becomes a crime in England

Catholic priest arrested, pro-life prayer becomes a crime in England

Even a Catholic priest has been arrested in front of a Birmingham abortion clinic, meanwhile the case of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce remains unresolved. And the law that criminalises praying near an abortion facility is close to passing, violating the right to freedom of expression and religious freedom.

Montagnier, the prophetic scientist who warned against covid vaccines

Montagnier, the prophetic scientist who warned against covid vaccines

One year ago Luc Montagnier, one of the greatest virologists of the 20th century, died. He discovered the HIV virus and won the Nobel Prize for his work. He was humiliated however and marginalised for his criticism of the pandemic management and the vaccination campaign. Today, his words seem prophetic and he has left a considerable intellectual legacy to treasure.

“Covid vaccine gives zero protection, but spike causes damage”

“Covid vaccine gives zero protection, but spike causes damage”

“Vaccine antibodies now offer zero protection, while the spike protein is ubiquitous and lurks in tissues, causing reactions that are serious and should be studied in depth. Instead, many colleagues still have their heads buried in the sand.” Immunologist  Dr Mauro Mantovani explains why we must not lower our guard against adverse effects.


UK pro-life: "I was arrested for praying in silence"

UK pro-life: "I was arrested for praying in silence"

On December 6, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested for praying silently in front of a closed abortion clinic. She will be tried in February for violating the PSPO which recently established a buffer zone around the clinic. "In the last ten years we have assisted over one hundred women", but now the ban "prevents us from being there when women need us most". The Daily Compass interviewed Isabel Vaughan-Spruce.

Melina: “The possible good risks being the middle name of evil”

Melina: “The possible good risks being the middle name of evil”

"When the moral precepts that protect the self-offering meaning of sexuality and human generation are contradicted, in reality we are not only going beyond the letter of a particular norm, but we are going against the spirit and meaning of the very law that God has written in our heart". says Msgr. Livio Melina, in the keynote address (excerpts of which we offer in advance) which open the conference A Response to the Pontifical Academy for Life's publication: Theological Ethics of Life. Follow the conference in live streaming on our website. 

Humanae Vitae is ahead of the “new” morality of the Pontifical Academy for Life

Humanae Vitae is ahead of the “new” morality of the Pontifical Academy for Life

A conference to reaffirm Christian anthropology and natural law in matters of life and family, in response to Pav's volume "Theological Ethics of Life" and only seemingly innovative buzzwords. Jane Adolphe, organizer of the conference, which can also be followed on our Daily Compass, talks about it.

Great Britain confirms: unborn Down children can be eliminated

Great Britain confirms: unborn Down children can be eliminated

The rejection of Heidi Crowter’s appeal, courageous defender of the rights of Down people, legitimises discrimination against the disabled by allowing abortion up until birth even in the birth canal. The Catholic bishops protest: an "illogical and unjust" sentence.

8 billion people and there’s still room for many more

8 billion people and there’s still room for many more

The milestone of eight billion inhabitants on Earth has been the trigger to instil the usual fear of overpopulation. But the world is not overpopulated, simply the neo-Malthusians are imposing unfounded and specious rules (on agriculture, energy, food) to prevent development and decrease the population. They are the ones we have to fear.