mRNA vaccines and cancer, Moderna's admissions and media censorship
In a US House hearing, mRNA technology inventor Robert Malone reveals Moderna's admissions about the possibility of vaccines developing tumours. Inexplicably, the study showing the increase in neoplasms in Japan is retracted.

mRNA vaccines and cancer, is a hushed and still taboo field, but what took place in the House in the US may help shed some light. In recent days, Dr Robert Malone, considered to be the father of mRNA vaccines, was heard in a hearing, as he is the one who invented the technology that uses this particular genetic element to activate defences. Malone was called to give his testimony to the special congressional committee chaired by US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.
This is what happened: during his hearing, the luminary presented the patent for Moderna's covid vaccine and delivered evidence that the pharmaceutical company knew that the vaccine could develop cancer.
The news, reported by Slay News, has travelled the world and casts a particularly sinister light on the management of the entire mRNA vaccine approval chain. According to what Malone told US Congressmen, Moderna's patent states that its Covid 19 vaccine vials contain billions of DNA fragments. These fragments, 'along with other contaminants, are linked to birth defects and cancer'. An admission, however, that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US drug regulatory and approval body, allegedly ignored when the drug was authorised for public use. Malone also speculated on the reason for this genotoxicity: Moderna's mRNA injection is contaminated with billions of DNA fragments. 'Moderna knows,' Malone said, ' DNA is a contaminant'.
As the Slay News website also reports, this is evidence that has been confirmed over time. A recent study, for example, found billions of DNA residual fragments in vaccine vials. The study's lead author, molecular virologist David Speicher, revealed to The Epoch Times that the study is 'the largest study of residual DNA in Covid vaccines to date'.
Malone's is still a taboo subject in the field of post-pandemic medicine and one that is often silenced, yet it is a fact that since 2021 so-called turbo tumours, i.e. particular neoplasms that arise suddenly in individuals previously not considered at risk, have increased exponentially.
It’s a taboo, not unexplored but already beaten with a solid literature, even if censored as much as possible.
As demonstrated by a recent case of the retraction of a scientific article due to pressure from a press agency. The news was reported by Panagis Policretis, a Greek oncologist based in Italy, who in an article recounted the suspicious retraction by the scientific journal Cureus of an article showing an increase in cancer mortality after the third dose of vaccine.
The article was based on a study by several Japanese scientists, including oncology luminary Masanori Fukushima, and addressed the increase in cancer mortality after the third dose in Japan. According to the scientists, mortality rates for leukaemia, breast, pancreatic and oropharyngeal cancers increased significantly in 2022 compared to 2020.
The study, in order to be published in the journal Cureus underwent a rigorous peer review process and once accepted was published on April 8.
On June 26, the surprise: the study was withdrawn following an article by the Reuters news agency which, as fact checker, had criticised the work of the five professionals.
The reason? No criticism of the merits, neither from the news agency nor from the scientific journal to justify the retraction, but only the imprecise justification that 'it has been established that the correlation between mortality rates and vaccination status cannot be demonstrated with the data presented in this article'. A laughable justification, considering, above all, that on the basis of a fact-checker alert unsupported by scientific data, not only five scientists were ridiculed, but also their colleagues who had examined that article at the cutting edge of science, approving it for publication.
The subject of vaccines and the onset of turbo-cancer, however, is insistent and the admission revealed by Malone may be a clear indication that something beyond the concerns often branded as conspiracy, exist. And it’s worrisome.
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