Saint Robert Bellarmine by Ermes Dovico

WHO propaganda ranges from vaccines to abortion

The strategies adopted by the World Health Organisation are part of a globalist design, which under the slogan of 'One health' wants to impose a society based on vaccine ideology and to control the world’s population through abortion. Here is how and with whom.

Life and Bioethics 19_04_2024
WHO headquarter (Imagoeconomica)

There is a lot of talk these days about the new 'Pandemic Treaty' and the 'International Health Regulations' wanted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and those who run it (Tedros Ghebreyesus) or influence it (Big Pharma, Gates Foundation, GAVI Foundation). Only drafts of the documents are in circulation, while the real negotiations take place in secret. The final decision should lie with the 77th World Health Assembly which takes place on 27 May 2024. As pointed out by the Independent Medical and Scientific Commission, with the current wording the results would be, among other things, to disproportionately increase the costs of the WHO, transfer sovereignty and decision-making power in health matters to the Director-General of the WHO, allow for the declaration of continuous pandemics (even potential or presumed), which may justify more vaccines, vaccine passports including sensitive data and digital currencies, expand vaccine programmes, despite the efficacy which needs to be discussed and serious adverse effects, to hundreds of products in very rapid development.

Paradoxically, while claiming to want to prepare for new pandemics, the proliferation of bio-laboratories is being stimulated (in Italy alone there would be one per region!), even though there is a well-founded suspicion that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic originated from a laboratory leak. But there is no mention of this either. Rather, the treaty purports to counter 'disinformation' and 'incitement to hatred and violence', speciously justifying censorship and propaganda in the media and internet. The undue combination of 'incitement to violence' and 'disinformation' is just a ploy to gag debate and censor non-aligned information. Already on 27 December 2022, the ContiamoCi Association in Italy wrote a letter to the Italian Prime Minister Meloni requesting that 'the Italian government should not approve such a treaty, which would annul any independence of health policies, which would be bindingly subject to WHO decisions'.

It would be diminutive to believe that WHO's strategies are limited to controlling future pandemics. In reality, this organisation is part of a much broader design of a globalist approach, which under the slogan of 'One health' would like to impose a type of society based on vaccines ideology, 'green' technological innovation, the extreme environmentalism already dear to the World Economic Forum (WEF), and world population control. However, even these kinds of long-term strategies are conducted under the radar, in the name of welfare, health, philanthropy. What is well known, however, is that behind it are colossal economic interests managed by well-known figures.

Among the various plots of the WHO is also abortion propaganda, a little-known fact because it is carried out covertly and through other related organisations and obviously in the name of 'women's health'. One can demonstrate this kind of agenda by following the WHO Foundation, which presents itself as follows: 'As a WHO Foundation, our work supports the mission of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and its partners in the field in achieving a world in which all people achieve the highest possible standard of health and well-being'. To achieve this persuasive agenda, the WHO Foundation intends to "mobilise more private capital and partnerships to advance WHO's mission, focusing on making a positive impact on the people whose lives depend on the work of WHO".

The WHO Foundation Board of Directors includes representatives of WHO, pharmaceutical industrialists, bankers and politicians, mainly from Africa. But what is striking, for the topic at hand, is the presence among the board members of Dr. Senait Fisseha, who is presented as 'a globally recognised leader in the advancement of reproductive health education and gender equality in Ethiopia and around the world'. "In addition, she was named as one of the 100 most influential Africans of 2018 by New African magazine."

The WHO Foundation website doesn't say much else about Fisseha, but more news can be found online, along with a photo with President Obama: "Senait Fisseha, an Ethiopian, is the founder of the International Centre for Reproductive Health Training (CIRHT), which teaches students in developing countries how to conduct abortions. CIRHT is based at the University of Michigan'. So there you have it: 'reproductive health' for these people at the top of the WHO is teaching students how to conduct abortions.

But it's not over. Fisseha in 2016-2017 presided over the successful campaign of Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus (former Minister of Health and then Foreign Affairs in Ethiopia, as it happens) to become the first African Director-General of the World Health Organisation. Then we read that 'Dr Fisseha will remain chief adviser to Dr Tedros, while maintaining her job as director of international programmes at the Susan T. Buffett Foundation'. And what will the latter Foundation be? The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation is a charitable organisation founded in 1964 in Omaha, Nebraska, by investor and industrialist Warren Buffett as a vehicle to manage his charitable donations. In 2014, the Foundation ranked fourth among family foundations in terms of grants made. It invests heavily in reproductive health and family planning grants worldwide, including substantial investments in abortion and contraceptives. The Foundation is known for its focus on abortion access and secrecy... often appearing under grant confirmations only as an anonymous donor.

Finally, it is reported that nearly $3.8 million in donations from the Buffet Foundation, of which Tedros Ghebreyesus' advisor-chief executive is an executive, went to Planned Parenthood, being one of its major contributors. The rest concerning Planned Parenthood and the trade in foetal parts carried out by that philanthropic organisation is well known, not least because it is the subject of the recent film Unplanned.

What is reported here is surely sufficient to illustrate how the WHO is committed to protecting the 'health' of the world.