
“Father Rupnik abused me, now I want to save other women”

“Father Rupnik abused me, now I want to save other women”

“Rupnik and Sr Ivanka Hosta are very dangerous, they must be stopped permanently.” “Many nuns are still paying for the abuse they suffered, we have never had any help, neither material nor psychological." "The bishops must understand that hiding evil destroys the Church." In an exclusive interview, Fabrizia Raguso tells her story to the Daily Compass. She is one of the Slovenian Jesuit’s victims and among the first to give birth to the Loyola Community.

Vicariate of Rome “snubs” Rupnik's sex abuse victims

Vicariate of Rome “snubs” Rupnik's sex abuse victims

Two days after the meeting between the Pope and the director of the Aletti Centre, the diocese of Rome speaks of a “healthy community life devoid of particular criticalities”. Notably, the sexually abused women continue to be forgotten and voiceless.

The Synodal Tower of Babel: Daily Compass Rome conference

The Synodal Tower of Babel: Daily Compass Rome conference

On the eve of the Synod on Synodality, apparently orchestrated to guarantee a desired outcome, the Daily Compass is holding a conference in Rome to lay bare what’s at stake. The conference takes place on October 3, in the Ghione Theatre, at 16:00. The distinguished speakers are Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, Father Gerald Murray and Professor Stefano Fontana. Its open to the public and entrance is free.

The Pope's interviews guarantee fixed slogans and muddled minds

The Pope's interviews guarantee fixed slogans and muddled minds

"Stuck in the past", clericalism, inclusion of homosexuals and transsexuals, the ever-present ambiguities in Pope Francis’ customary scripts were also staged in his meeting with the Portuguese Jesuits.

The "state of necessity" alone does not legitimise the SSPX

The "state of necessity" alone does not legitimise the SSPX

Some clarification on the (deficient) presuppositions that 'Lefebvrian' priests invoke in support of their ministry without missio canonica. Moreover, it is the SSPX that refuses to enter the Church.

SSPX ministry of priests is illegitimate, here’s why

SSPX ministry of priests is illegitimate, here’s why

Benedict XVI had made it clear: without doctrinal clarification there is no canonical status for the Fraternity and no ministerial legitimacy. The point to understand is that the essence of the Church is at stake here.

- Frustrated by Rome, following the Lefebvrians is not the solution
Lefebvrians: excommunication lifted but schism stands

Lefebvrians: excommunication lifted but schism stands

Lefebvrians: excommunication lifted but schism stands

Monsignor Lefebvre's episcopal appointments are illegitimate in all respects. The excommunication lifted by Benedict XVI was aimed at paving the way for reconciliation, but does not cancel the schism. In the same way it was for the Orthodox.

Frustrated by Rome, following the Lefebvrians is not the solution

Frustrated by Rome, following the Lefebvrians is not the solution

Many faithful now attend the chapels of the St Pius X Priestly Fraternity, much like castaways in search of dry land, due to the serious crisis being experienced in the Church. But this is a mistake and stems from the confusion surrounding the real status of the Lefebvrians.  The Daily Compass explains where the problems lie in a series of four instalments.

WYD: "Praying before Jesus closed... in a plastic container"

WYD: "Praying before Jesus closed... in a plastic container"

The unworthy treatment of the Holy Eucharist aroused the reaction and acts of reparation by some of the young people present, including Savannah, 22, who tells the Daily Compass what young people really ask of the Church.

Veritatis Splendor, 30th anniversary of a forgotten encyclical

Veritatis Splendor, 30th anniversary of a forgotten encyclical

The Vatican media ignored the 30th anniversary of Veritatis Splendor, St John Paul II's encyclical that denounced the misrepresentations of Catholic morality on fundamental issues. As those misrepresentations have now become the rule in the Church, commemorating the encyclical becomes compromising.

'Melting-Pope' at WYD omits God in speech to authorities

'Melting-Pope' at WYD omits God in speech to authorities

Meeting with rulers and diplomats, Francis extolled globalism and invited young people to cultivate the "desires of unity, peace, and fraternity": a proposal hardly distinguishable from worldly desires.

WYD: the golden calf of environmentalism

WYD: the golden calf of environmentalism

At World Youth Day in Lisbon (1-6 August), themes such as pollution and the climate occupy a central place. But environmentalism overturns the order of creation, degrades mankind and replaces the worship of God with the worship of the Earth.