
"Doctrine of Discovery": No, not all cultures are equal

"Doctrine of Discovery": No, not all cultures are equal

The recent Vatican document condemning the 'Doctrine of Discovery' is decidedly problematic because of its consequences in judging the evangelisation of indigenous peoples. Above all, it contradicts the magisterium of John Paul II and Benedict XVI on the relationship between Church and culture.

The return of the Hallelujah

The return of the Hallelujah

We propose the translation of an extract from the article Le retour de l'Alléluia, published in April 1982 by the French magazine Itinéraires, under the pseudonym Benedictus. Behind this name, at least until 1985, was the pen of Dom Gérard Calvet, future founder and Abbot of the Benedictine Abbey Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux. The article was later published in the first volume of Benedictus. Écrites spirituels, Éditions Sainte-Madeleine 2009, 206-300.

The burial of Jesus, prelude to the Resurrection

The burial of Jesus, prelude to the Resurrection

Ecclesia 08_04_2023

The how and why Joseph of Arimathea presented himself to Pilate to obtain the body of the Lord. The connection between the Shroud and the celebration of the Mass. The announcement to the righteous in limbo. The motif of the empty tomb and the stone rolled from the door of the tomb. Everything announces the glory of the Risen One. From Father Cornelio's Commentary to Lapide. Edited by Father Konrad zu Löwenstein)

Jesus, the suffering King who conquers the world

Jesus, the suffering King who conquers the world

Ecclesia 07_04_2023

Good Friday: Jesus is crowned with thorns between being scourged and the crucifixion. Thus, his kingship is affirmed even by those who mock and ignore him. He is also forced to wear a purple robe, which symbolically contains another call to imitate Him, even to the point of shedding blood for love. (Edited by Father Konrad zu Löwenstein)

The suffering of Jesus, crowned with thorns

The suffering of Jesus, crowned with thorns

Ecclesia 06_04_2023

Today, Holy Thursday, is the eve of Jesus' death on the cross and marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum. In preparation, we continue to be accompanied by the commentary of Father Cornelio a Lapide († 1637) on the Passion according to the Gospel of Saint Matthew. The crown of very sharp thorns placed on Jesus' head served both to humiliate him and to torture him. Yet, the thorns themselves indicate the way to imitate the Master. (Edited by Father Konrad zu Löwenstein)

Müller: “Not even the Pope can decide to bless gay couples”

Müller: “Not even the Pope can decide to bless gay couples”

"The blessing of rainbow couples is heresy. The Belgian bishops cannot legitimise them by referring to alleged statements by the Pope. Even if he had said so, it is not within his competence to change Revelation". "The aim of the German Synodal Way is to become the locomotive of the universal Church". "To attack the ancient rite is absurd". "The Roman Curia is not the Vatican State, its secularisation is a theological error". Cardinal Müller speaks out.

Jesus scourged, a sign of Love without limits
LENT / 6

Jesus scourged, a sign of Love without limits

Ecclesia 31_03_2023

In the last episode taken from the commentary by Father Cornelio a Lapide (1567-1637) on the Passion according to the Gospel of Saint Matthew, the exegete dwells on the flagellation of Jesus by analysing its historical and theological aspects. Jesus' body, formed by the Holy Spirit, was extremely sensitive to pain. Yet he suffered the flagellation (over 5,000 strokes) out of love for each one of us. (Edited by Father Konrad zu Löwenstein).

Scandinavian bishops on gender are right, but only in part

Scandinavian bishops on gender are right, but only in part

In the face of the heresies in the German synod documents, it’s not difficult to understand the enthusiasm with which the pastoral letter of the Scandinavian bishops reaffirming that sexual identity is only male and female was received. However, there are also several problematic expressions that create misunderstandings about fidelity and homosexuality.


Broaden reason: Benedict XVI’s legacy betrayed

Broaden reason: Benedict XVI’s legacy betrayed

Ratzinger repeatedly invited to ‘broaden’ reason, which victim of a secular process that from the 14th century to the present day, via Kant, has made it lose faith in its ability to know the objective and finalistic order of things. This invitation has not been taken up during the current pontificate: the path indicated by Francis is in fact post-metaphysical, i.e. Kantian.

"We Belgian bishops bless gay couples, with the Pope's approval"

"We Belgian bishops bless gay couples, with the Pope's approval"

Clamorous statements were made by the Archbishop of Antwerp, Monsignor Johan Bonny, at the German Synod: since Amoris Laetitia it is normal to bless irregular couples in all Belgian dioceses, and Pope Francis is said to have approved the decision during his ad limina visit last November: "It is enough that you all in agreement". Very serious words, which require an immediate explanation from Rome.

The time Barabbas was preferred to Jesus
LENT / 5

The time Barabbas was preferred to Jesus

Ecclesia 17_03_2023

We continue our Lenten journey with Father Cornelio a Lapide's (1567-1637) commentary on the Passion according to the Gospel of Saint Matthew. Pilate tries to save Jesus by using the custom at Easter of freeing a prisoner. But a murderer is preferred to the Innocent. (Edited by Father Konrad zu Löwenstein).

Philippe's pseudomysticism and the abuses: the Saint-Jean case

Philippe's pseudomysticism and the abuses: the Saint-Jean case

The third part of the sad affair involving the Dominican brothers Thomas and Marie-Dominique Philippe: we discover the system of abuses in the Communauté Saint-Jean, founded by the latter. A system also based on false mysticism, in this case distorting the teachings of Saint Thomas.