
Vanier, the serial abuser who passed himself off as  'the Bridegroom’

Vanier, the serial abuser who passed himself off as 'the Bridegroom’

Second part of the chilling account of the abuses perpetrated over decades in the community of 'L'Arche'. The bond between Fr Philippe and Vanier had to remain unknown to the Holy Office, as did the desecrating practices, that covered up a veritable sexual obsession with biblical terminology, involving dozens of victims (continued from part one).

Pope Francis, ten years of turmoil and dismay

Pope Francis, ten years of turmoil and dismay

Movementist tactics, the primacy of praxis, pastoralism, moral relativism: processes that should have produced some new truths have actually scandalised, confused minds and hearts, and disarticulated ecclesial unity. And synodality, a new dogma, is the synthesis of a process in which the means count more than the end.

Abuse and 'porno-mysticism': the French scandal that explains Rupnik

Abuse and 'porno-mysticism': the French scandal that explains Rupnik

Seventy years of scandals hidden within the walls of the community L'Arche involving its founder Jean Vanier and his spiritual father Fr Thomas Philippe. A sinister mixture of psychological and sexual violence cloaked in spiritual 'justifications' and the same sense of impunity found in recent phenomena.

The trial of Jesus and the nature of His kingdom
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The trial of Jesus and the nature of His kingdom

Ecclesia 10_03_2023

We continue our Lenten journey with Father Cornelio a Lapide's (1567-1637) commentary on the Passion according to the Gospel of Saint Matthew. Jesus' trial begins before Pilate, who dwells only on the third accusation against him. In what sense, that is, is Jesus King? (Edited by Father Konrad zu Löwenstein).

The power of fasting, a weapon to rediscover

The power of fasting, a weapon to rediscover

Fasting is necessary in spiritual combat, as the Scriptures, the Church, and the example of the saints teach. Yet today it is more neglected than ever. Its practice, in union with Jesus, has not only a personal value, but affects the plan of salvation.

Latin Mass, an English cardinal against his people

Latin Mass, an English cardinal against his people

The further restriction to the ancient rite by Rome creates embarrassment and expectation in the United Kingdom, where the Latin Mass is very popular. In fact, the Prefect of Divine Worship, Cardinal Arthur Roche, is English and disliked by his brethren at home. All eyes are on Westminster now, awaiting the replacement of Cardinal Nichols. Daily Compass interviews Damian Thompson.

The death of Judas, the weight of avarice
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The death of Judas, the weight of avarice

Ecclesia 03_03_2023

We continue our Lenten journey with Father Cornelio a Lapide's (1567-1637) commentary on the Passion according to the Gospel of Saint Matthew. Judas ends up hanging himself, overwhelmed by the "tyranny of greed". While the field bought with the price of treason retains a particular property.  (Edited by Father Konrad zu Löwenstein).

Houses and properties: centralising Pope reverses doctrine

Houses and properties: centralising Pope reverses doctrine

With two documents in a few days, Pope Francis centralises all Vatican property in his name and demands rent from the cardinals. At the same time, in doctrinal and moral matters he pushes for 'devolution'. Exactly the opposite of what the Magisterium has always demanded: subsidiarity should be applied to society and politics, not to the Church.

Cardinal McElroy's summa of heresies

Cardinal McElroy's summa of heresies

In an article in the Jesuit magazine, America, Cardinal McElroy looks favourably on the female diaconate, access to Communion for remarried divorcees, spouses married only civilly, and LGBT people who have not renounced their lifestyle. But his positions contradict the Magisterium and Sacred Scripture.

The clique of Saint Anselm conducts the war against ancient Mass

The clique of Saint Anselm conducts the war against ancient Mass

From secretary Viola to the undersecretaries García Macías and Marcjanowicz, including Ravelli and Midili who lead the pontifical celebrations: they all come from the same Sant'Anselmo University and all only act animated by ideological shortsightedness and blindness to reality. That's who is waging war on the ancient Mass.

Judas and the desperation for salvation
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Judas and the desperation for salvation

Ecclesia 24_02_2023

We continue our Lenten journey with Father Cornelio a Lapide's (1567-1637) commentary on the Passion of Christ according to the Gospel of Saint Matthew. It is the moment of Judas' betrayal, of his tortuous repentance, which drives him to despair instead of asking Jesus for forgiveness.

Nuns in Ireland, an endangered species

Nuns in Ireland, an endangered species

A survey by Irish Catholic reveals that the number of religious women in Ireland has dropped by 50% in just 20 years, and the trend indicates a further collapse. A phenomenon that undermines the system of health and educational services that have been guaranteed for the population since independence.