Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico


The pontificate of purges: ten years of defenestrations

The pontificate of purges: ten years of defenestrations

It’s not only Strickland. The long series of bishops removed prematurely by Pope Francis has accelerated in the last year and a half: strike one to educate a hundred.

Strickland’s removal was against canon law

Strickland’s removal was against canon law

The removal of Msgr. Strickland from the leadership of the diocese by Pope Francis, took place without a trial, in violation of canonical norms. Msgr. Torres received the same treatment in 2022. As Saint John Paul II explained, this is contrary to charity and natural justice. 

The copy and paste signature: Cardinal Tucho's "latest scam"

The copy and paste signature: Cardinal Tucho's "latest scam"

The signatures of the Pope and the Prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith to the answers regarding the admission of gays and trans people to the sacraments are not authentic, but poorly scanned from another sheet of paper. With the new management at the Dicastery, one oversight leads to another.

Cardinal Fernandez overturnes Church teaching to baptise gays and trans

Cardinal Fernandez overturnes Church teaching to baptise gays and trans

What is the correct procedure if the person to be baptised or if the godfather or godmother is homosexual or trans? Amid amnesias and acrobatics, the Cardinal Prefect also draws on the saints to back up his agenda.

Synod dogma makes revolutionary Conclave reform credible

Synod dogma makes revolutionary Conclave reform credible

There’s been leaks about the Pope's intention to revolutionise the election - and the electors - of his successor, in ways inspired by the Synod pathway. And with signals that speak louder than denials.

Müller: "The Synod, a step towards Protestantisation"

Müller: "The Synod, a step towards Protestantisation"

By including the laity into the Synod of Bishops, the hierarchical structure of the Church is being attacked; and the ministerial priesthood is being destroyed under the pretext of clericalism. Meanwhile the LGBT agenda is advancing... Cardinal Müller, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, speaks to the Daily Compass.

Pope’s Synod starts process for LGBT rights and female diaconate

Pope’s Synod starts process for LGBT rights and female diaconate

The final report of the Synod session on Synodality, released on Saturday, confirms the nature and structure of the Church can be put into question. This includes the possibility of reconsidering topics already closed by previous popes.

Pope waives statute of limitations: Rupnik goes on trial

Pope waives statute of limitations: Rupnik goes on trial

Pressure from the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors is forcing the Pandora's box of abuses committed by the former Slovenian Jesuit to be reopened. Perhaps the Synod helped to point out the contradiction between 'listening' to words while covering up deeds.
- Rupnik finds home in a Slovenian diocese

Rupnik the vagabond finds home in Slovenian diocese

Rupnik the vagabond finds home in Slovenian diocese

The former Jesuit is looking forward to his incardination in the Diocese of Koper soon, with the Nuncio's blessing. Moreover, no sentence hangs over his head, despite having committed repeated spiritual and sexual abuses. So, to the great relief of the protagonist and the Jesuits, freed of the hot potato, everything is "resolved".

The Synod is a manual of psycho-social manipulation

The Synod is a manual of psycho-social manipulation

Building consensus requires a method. That of Kurt Levin, inventor of group dynamics, is also effective in neutralising resistance to the changes that have emerged in previous synods, under the pretext of “conversation in the Spirit”.  

Daily Compass annual conference: Pilate asks, what is the Truth?

Daily Compass annual conference: Pilate asks, what is the Truth?

From Pilate’s question to Jesus, to the snares of today's ideologies, to Redemption. This is the common thread which permeates the Daily Compass conference. And Truth is a person: it’s Jesus.
- The Truth is a Person, the intervention of Msgr. D'Ercole

“Quid est veritas? What is the truth?”

“Quid est veritas? What is the truth?”

The intervention of Msgr. Giovanni D'Ercole at Daily Compass Day 2023, on October 14th, focused on Pilate's question, which echoes in the restlessness of contemporary man. Jesus responds to the multiplicity of opinions with silence, inviting us to open our eyes and hearts to the Truth.