Franciscan protomartyrs by Ermes Dovico


Pope's titles, the great misunderstanding about the primacy of Peter

Pope's titles, the great misunderstanding about the primacy of Peter

The reintroduction of the title "Patriarch of the West" for the pope in the Pontifical Yearbook, combined with the already consummated downgrading of the title "Vicar of Christ" appears to be a move to please the Orthodox; but it is a historical and theological error.

Who will be the rainbow cardinals at next papal conclave

Who will be the rainbow cardinals at next papal conclave

Even in the so-called peripheries, not everyone thinks like Congolese Cardinal Ambongo, symbol of the African rebellion against Fiducia supplicans. Among the electors of the future Pope, there will be a quota that is particularly sensitive to LGBT groups.

Vatican set to renew controversial agreement despite China’s betrayal

Vatican set to renew controversial agreement despite China’s betrayal

For Cardinal Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, the secret agreement with China must be renewed. And this time it should be definitive. Nothing counts, neither Beijing's violations of the agreement nor the growing persecution of Catholics who resist kowtowing to the Party, including those in Hong Kong.

Cardinal Sarah pleas like Solženicyn: "Don't give in to lies!"

Cardinal Sarah pleas like Solženicyn: "Don't give in to lies!"

Half a century after the Russian writer's famous denunciation, the African prelate echoes the same words. His warning is against the temptation to pander to the "fluid" atheism that has penetrated the Church, also in view of the next Synod.

Death penalty, contradiction passed off as development

Death penalty, contradiction passed off as development

After Fiducia supplicans another U-turn on the perennial teaching of the Church that considers the right to life inviolable, but for the innocent. So one change leads to another.

Dignitas infinita, a superficial document and some serious errors

Dignitas infinita, a superficial document and some serious errors

The new declaration by the Fernández-led Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith was published yesterday. Fundamentally, the approach is correct, but it neglects the transcendent foundation of human dignity. Social justice is the central reference, rather than the Decalogue. And it winks at environmentalism and homosexualism.

Christ is risen, now is the time for witness

Christ is risen, now is the time for witness

«Today the witnesses speak out... Today, we too are witnesses to the Risen Christ and we repeat his proclamation of peace to all humanity. We bear witness to his death and resurrection, especially to the men and women of our own time, caught up in fratricidal strife and slaughter».

Easter Triduum, the mysteries of life and death interrogate world today

Easter Triduum, the mysteries of life and death interrogate world today

In the three days of the Triduum we relive the apocalyptic clash between life and death, light and darkness, hate and love. It is an ever-present drama that concerns each of us, our eternal destiny. Even in the greatest suffering, Christ gives us the certainty that, united with Him, we will rise to new life.

Cordes' testament: 'God's work in my life'

Cordes' testament: 'God's work in my life'

Turning his thoughts to eternity, the German cardinal who died last Friday retraced the events of his life, seeing in people and circumstances the benevolent hand of God the Father

Vatican Revolution: yes to euthanasia and artificial insemination

Vatican Revolution: yes to euthanasia and artificial insemination

The ban on euthanasia causes worse harm than good; green light to homologous fertilisation: these are the resounding statements contained in the book La gioia della vita (The Joy of Life), a joint reflection of the theologians of the Pontifical Academy for Life (Pav). And even the Bible can be corrected. It’s an unapologetic declaration of heresy.

"Life", Pope Francis' autobiography admits problems with Benedict  XVI

"Life", Pope Francis' autobiography admits problems with Benedict  XVI

The "bombshell book" turns out to be deja vu, judging by the anecdotes released by Corriere della Sera and already recounted in various interviews. Paradoxically, the only novelty concerns the relationship with Ratzinger, which dismantles the narrative about the 'wise grandfather'.

For Cardinal Zuppi Lent parallels Ramadan

For Cardinal Zuppi Lent parallels Ramadan

The Archbishop of Bologna, President of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, writes an all encompassing message to "brothers and sisters followers of Islam". He weaves an irenic parallelism between Islamic fasting and Lenten fasting. But, forgets that it is Christ who makes the difference.