Saint Apollonia by Ermes Dovico


Vatican approves Medjugorje but the supernatural is overlooked

Vatican approves Medjugorje but the supernatural is overlooked

The Holy See awards the nulla osta in recognition of the 43 years of ongoing spiritual experiencein Herzegovina. Positive evaluation of the fruits and pilgrimages, but with the invitation not to meet the visionaries.

Italiano Español

The ‘farce’ Synod redefines sins according to political logic

The ‘farce’ Synod redefines sins according to political logic

The sin of doctrine used as a stone thrown againstand the sin against synodality. But also against migrants. The second session of the Synod opens up political or ideological content to call sin what is perhaps instead common sense. Does this mean we will have to ask for forgiveness for recalling a doctrinal principle by refuting those who want to change it?

Italiano Español

Catholic Bishop and Macron agree to revamp Notre Dame

Catholic Bishop and Macron agree to revamp Notre Dame

The competition to select the artists with whom Macron intends to overhaul the Parisian cathedral has reached its final stages. The call to break with the past, including the replacement of the stained glass windows, is also supported by Archbishop Ulrich. But there’s increasing resistance aiming to stop the destruction.

Italiano Español

Paedophile priests cover up casts shadows over Prevost, cardinal who selects bishops

Paedophile priests cover up casts shadows over Prevost, cardinal who selects bishops

From the moment Robert Prevost was appointed prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops in 2023, attempts to erase the clues about how he covered-up two priests accused of paedophilia in his diocese of Chiclayo, Peru, have multiplied. Including the persecutionof the alleged victims' lawyer. And the appointment of a friendlybishop. New scandal in the Vatican.

Italiano Español

Pope disconcerts faithful again stating all religions are equivalent

Pope disconcerts faithful again stating all religions are equivalent

Speaking about interreligious dialogue with the youth in Singapore, Pope Francis puts all religions on an equal footing. But, it is the denial of Christ's claim to be the way, the truth, the life, the cancellation of the meaning of the Incarnation and Redemption.

Italiano Español

Italy: Hosts stolen, bishop challenges satanic sects

Italy: Hosts stolen, bishop challenges satanic sects

Black Mass trail behind theft in Lecce of hosts and holy vessels from hospital chapel. Chaplain to the Compass: “Planned theft, they found out where we keep the key to the tabernacle.” Harsh condemnation from exorcist bishop who had warned about the rise of satanic sects: “Cowardly act, convert. Today in all churches a Mass of Reparation.”

Italiano Español

Pope and migrants, best intentions but incorrect judgements

Pope and migrants, best intentions but incorrect judgements

Wednesday's vibrant catechesis on the drama of the migrants made a lot of noise. But the touching appeal to take on the suffering of so many people was unfortunately counterbalanced by a series of excommunicationsand political judgments based on ideological visions and deficient information. 

Italiano Español

Universal adherence to the legitimate Pope is not an opinion

Universal adherence to the legitimate Pope is not an opinion

New sophisms leverage legitimate resistance to certain acts of the Pontiff to support the claimed invalidity of his election. But they are based on major misunderstandings about the Church's universal peaceful acceptance and degrees of the Magisterium.

Italiano Español

Irregular migrants, now the Italian bishops take to the sea
Italian Church

Irregular migrants, now the Italian bishops take to the sea

For the first time, a ship financed by the Italian Episcopal Conference's Migrantes Foundation is taking part in rescue operations for illegal migrants in the Mediterranean; and with the blessingof the Pope. A decision that abdicates the Church's true task and instead identifies with an ideologically motivated side.

Italiano Español

Rupnik case, endless shame for the Vatican

Rupnik case, endless shame for the Vatican

The Dicastery for Communication continues to re-propose the works of the former Slovenian Jesuit accused of serious sexual abuse, in defiance of Cardinal O'Malley's dispositions. And even in Bologna, Archbishop Zuppi has given the green light to the completion of the incriminated mosaics. In the fight against abuse this pontificate has no credibility.

Italiano Español

‘Vaccines did not stop Covid’: increases bishops’ moral guilt

‘Vaccines did not stop Covid’: increases bishops’ moral guilt

The Italian Medicines Agency's admission that anti-Covid vaccines were ineffective in preventing contagion reopens the question of their lawfulness. Including on the subservience of the pastors who, without asking questions, pushed for mass inoculation.


‘Sufferance does not redeem’: PAV anaesthetises Redemption

‘Sufferance does not redeem’: PAV anaesthetises Redemption

In the notable controversial volume on the end of life the meaning of Salvifici doloris is turned upside down by denying that suffering can have redemptive value. If this were the case, the Passion of Christ would have been incidental.
