Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico


Crisis generates schisms: also Monsignor Viganò goes his own way

Crisis generates schisms: also Monsignor Viganò goes his own way

The announced episcopal re-consecration marks a point of no return for Bishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former apostolic nuncio to the USA and great accuser of Pope Francis in the McCarrick scandal. After illicitly ordaining priests throughout Europe, he intends to make a monastic structure in Viterbo the centre of his movement. But, it’s a mistaken and unsuccessful response to the crisis of the Church.

Orgasm like paradise, Fernández's porn-theology

Orgasm like paradise, Fernández's porn-theology

Orgasm like an anticipation of Paradise. Emerging from oblivion is La Pasión Mística, a shocking book published in 1998 by the current Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) , Victor Fernández. A morbid focus on sexual union as an act decoupled from procreation and as pleasure alone with a 'pathological' account of a mystical-erotic experience.

Priest excommunicated in Italy, just sanction but problem remains

Priest excommunicated in Italy, just sanction but problem remains

A correct reconstruction of the story of Father Ramon Guidetti demonstrates that Bishop Giusti's decision is indisputable. However, a fact also remains. There is growing agitation over the decisions made by this pontificate among the faithful and the clergy, which is pushing many people out of the Church.

Epiphany, in search of the Saviour like the Magi

Epiphany, in search of the Saviour like the Magi

The Church invites us to meditate on the example of the Magi, wise men scanning the heavens and certain that God's 'signature' exists in creation. On the opposite side is Herod, who sees God as a rival, as we too sometimes do, when in fact He is the true joy. An extract from a homily by Benedict XVI.

Surreal communiqué on Fiducia supplicans, Tucho is a disgrace

Surreal communiqué on Fiducia supplicans, Tucho is a disgrace

Contradictions, illogical phrases and blessings regulated with a stopwatch : a new incredible document on blessings for irregular couples signed by Cardinal Fernandez. For the good of the Church, it’s time he was shown the door.

Blessing without converting: the model is Amoris laetitia

Blessing without converting: the model is Amoris laetitia

Fiducia supplicans only crowns the so-called "via caritatis", the delusion of saving the sinner by excusing sin. It’s a method which has been in place for years that conceals an old error already denounced by Pascal.

Blessing gay couples, all the deceptions of Fiducia supplicans

Blessing gay couples, all the deceptions of Fiducia supplicans

Doctrine changed by affirming the opposite, falsification of the concept of couple, word games and ambiguous formulas, rejection of natural law. The Daily Compass and Observatory Van Thuan propose a synthetic inspection of the Vatican document which is splitting the Church.

Mary, the Mother of God, leads her children to Christ

Mary, the Mother of God, leads her children to Christ

At Cana we see a foreshadowing of Mary's maternal mediation. By her faith, the heavenly Mother introduces her children into the mystery of Christ's saving power, which has its culmination on Calvary. From the encyclical Redemptoris Mater.

Fiducia supplicans latest piece of Francis' new paradigm

Fiducia supplicans latest piece of Francis' new paradigm

The "civil war" provoked by the declaration on the blessings to irregular and homosexual couples is the result of a decade marked by two visions of the faith irreducible between them (and irreducible only to the "Fernández management").

The secret of Christian Christmas

The secret of Christian Christmas

In front of the defenceless infant of Bethlehem, it becomes paradoxical to see that wars and violence affect children above all. Yet, that Child of Bethlehem who smiles at us is a message of love and forgiveness from a God who, in order to make himself acceptable, made himself so small as to dwell in the womb of a Woman like each one of us.


Seewald: Francis wants to erase Benedict XVI's legacy

Seewald: Francis wants to erase Benedict XVI's legacy

Gay couples, Latin Mass, sexual abuse, purging of the men most closely associated with Benedict, the appointment of Fernández: Pope Francis has done everything he could to destroy what his predecessor had built. One year after the death of Benedict XVI, his biographer and friend Peter Seewald speaks out.

"We kneel before the King of Heaven and Earth".
Christmas 2023

"We kneel before the King of Heaven and Earth".

"Our prayer before the Infant Saviour is not an exercise of sentimentality but a source of grace for the embrace of all that it means to live in Him during our days on earth, in anticipation of His eternal company in the Kingdom of Heaven". Cardinal Raymond L. Burke's homily for Christmas Day.