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How will they find the courage to again speak of God as Savior?

How will they find the courage to again speak of God as Savior?

At this dramatic and historical moment, it is disconcerting to hear bishops and theologians considering faith as secondary with respect to science and treating God as if he was a “guru” whom we don’t really need at the moment. This is not what the Church has professed for centuries.

Pavia, a cure that works, challenges media silence: “Plasma kills the virus”

Pavia, a cure that works, challenges media silence: “Plasma kills the virus”

“Plasma kills the coronavirus.” The therapy developed by the Immuno-hematology Institute of Saint Matthew in Pavia is encouraging. In this exclusive interview with The Daily Compass given at the end of his experimentation, director Cesare Perotti reveals the positive results: “The treatment works; at the moment no one has died; the USA has asked for the protocols.” But nobody is talking about it: “There are other interests opposing us, but we will address these after the scientific publication.” This is how the shared treatment works, by “using” volunteers who have recovered to help heal those who are sick.

Sarah: profanities have to stop, the Eucharist isn’t negotiable

Sarah: profanities have to stop, the Eucharist isn’t negotiable

In this exclusive interview with the Daily Compass, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments intervenes on the subject of “take away”  Communion and on the “negotiations” underway to guarantee its taken with the correct precautions: no compromise, “the Eucharist is a gift we receive from God and we must receive it in a dignified way. We are not at the supermarket.” “No-one has the right to prevent a priest from hearing Confession and giving Communion.” “ There is a rule and this must be respected, the faithful are free to receive Communion in the hand or in the mouth.” “It’s a question of faith, the heart of the problem lies in the crisis of faith in the priesthood.” “Mass in streaming is misleading also for priests: they must look at God not at a camera»

May 1 is not Labor Day

May 1 is not Labor Day

May 1 in Europe, and many other nations, is Labor Day. Actually, it isn’t. Catholics and Christians have christened this soviet-inspired International Workers Day on their calendar of saints with the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. This is a much better way to celebrate the first day of this spring month recalling the modest, hardworking, and dependable foster father of Jesus.

Distancing and sanitization: the way to restore public Masses

Distancing and sanitization: the way to restore public Masses

Celebrating Mass is quite possible while safeguarding the health of the faithful. All that is needed is to respect some guidelines which, if followed, would allow for public liturgies to resume. Our contributing writer and epidemiologist, Paolo Gulisano, here offers some protocols based on his current knowledge of COVID-19 and principles which the Daily Compass has always supported since the onset of the health emergency. It is a very clear example just how possible it is to combine freedom of worship with legitimate health and safety precautions.

Captain Tom, the centenarian who rallied the United Kingdom

Captain Tom, the centenarian who rallied the United Kingdom

War veteran Tom Moore turns 100 today, and the United Kingdom is paying him homage with nation-wide celebrations. The images of him, almost centenarian, walking 2.5 km around his back garden bent over a walker to collect money to fight Covid-19 travelled the world. His original goal was to raise a thousand pounds, instead collected 30 million. It’s a phenomenon that can only be explained as a hymn to life and hope, this what Captain Tom personifies.

The virus does not stop wars, but reduces military spending

The virus does not stop wars, but reduces military spending

The Coronavirus pandemic has not stopped the bloodiest conflicts, such as ongoing fighting in Libya and Afghanistan. The collapse of economies is likely to trigger greater antagonism between countries. Meanwhile, the scarcity of resources seems to demand cutting military spending, as South Korea has done. However, this is a choice that could boomerang in terms of national economies, employment, and defense.

India’s cultural problem with child rape

India’s cultural problem with child rape

World 28_04_2020 Anna Bono

A new episode of the rape of a girl in India has brought the spotlight back to a serious problem in a country which reported 33.977 cases of rape last year, an average of 93 per day, despite the fact that rape is punishable with the death penalty. The victims include even the tiniest children. But little will be resolved as long as the widespread mentality about the abortion of girls and the marriage of daughters does not change.

The problem with the Church is in the Mass, even Satan says so

The problem with the Church is in the Mass, even Satan says so

"Priests say Mass too quickly", "Priests don’t understand that during Mass” Our Lady “is present”. Shocking words if we think that it is Satan who utters them during an exorcism. An Italian exorcist reveals this and more in a popular youtube video.

Euthanasia in cases of dementia, a slippery slope sentence

Euthanasia in cases of dementia, a slippery slope sentence

Along with moral problems, the Dutch Supreme Court's ruling to allow euthanasia for patients with dementia and unable to express their opinion fuels confusion. The Court leaves doctors with the interpretation of the written statements, increasing their doubts. However, there is a strong fear that this decision will not lead to a decline in cases of euthanasia and assisted suicide.

To entrust or consecrate? The answer is found in Scripture

To entrust or consecrate? The answer is found in Scripture

Entrustment or consecration to Mary? The emergence of the coronavirus and initiatives of bishops to implore the Virgin Mary’s protection raise an age-old question. Many bishops avoid speaking of consecration, although Mary herself has asked for this by way of her many apparitions. Yet, this is opposed by certain theological circles. Regardless, it is Scripture that speaks of a Woman whose descendants God wants to be consecrated to her. So why do bishops resist God’s Will?

The Vatican consecrates itself to anti-human ecologism

The Vatican consecrates itself to anti-human ecologism

April 22 saw great involvement of the Vatican media and the Pope in the celebration of the 50th Earth Day, dedicated to the encyclical Laudato Si'. An event that marks the definitive integration of the Holy See with the world's ecological lobbies, despite the fact that the forces behind Earth Day are heirs to the Eugenic Societies.