Kerala’s ruling Communists dump proposed legislation to control church property
The powerful church leadership in southern Kerala state heaved a sigh of relief after Pinarayi Vijayan, the Communist chief minister of the state, denied plan to enact a legislation drafted by the State Law Reforms Commission to take control of church properties.
Vatican clears the way for sex change drugs
It’s astounding that Vatican News, the official portal of Vatican information and the bioethicist Laura Palazzani, a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, support the Italian State’s decision to include a drug which blocks puberty in the Italian National Health Service. There are statements which overturn Catholic anthropology making the satisfaction of desire a prerogative over vocation. Instead of questioning the causes of distress in adolescence, they offer a drug: a positivist materialism which denies Catholicism. Is this what Catholic universities teach today?
The solution to sexual abuse is not civil justice
The growing pressure from the sexual abuse scandal appears to have led the Church to look to civil justice as a solution. A dangerous road to take, considering it permits state interference in the life of the Church and at the worst could bring it to bankruptcy. This is because the Church has lost its sense of divine justice.
Wanted: A Church of believers, not a believable Church
On the issue of sexual abuse we often hear that the Church’s credibility is at stake. But this expression is actually the most evident sign that a secularized way of thinking permeates the Church today. It denies that the Church is objectively credible because it is Christ’s will.
"Operation Sodoma": a Gay Assault on the Church
"Sodoma", the book to be released simultaneously in twenty countries, in eight languages on February 21 is a big scale media operation to legitimise homosexuality in the Church. But it could backfire on Pope Francis whom the author intended to support.
- The italian original: "Operazione Sodoma"
«The Church today has renounced to preach the whole truth»
"Speaking of clerical child abuse while ignoring the fact that over 80% of abuses are homosexual acts, means there is no intent to resolve the issue". "The most serious problem in the Church today is its tendency to compromise with the world and withdraw from proclaiming the whole truth.” Cardinal Gerhard Müller speaks out.
Viganò to McCarrick: "Repent! For the sake of a suffering Church"
Dear Archbishop McCarrick, as has been reported as a news by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the accusations against you for crimes against minors and abuses against seminarians are going to be examined and judged very soon with an administrative procedure. I am among those who are praying for your conversion, that you may repent and ask pardon of your victims and the Church.
Hoser: «In Medjugorje families find their roots»
«The crisis of the family is devastating, we need to go back to the origin, to God's project, to the model of the Holy Family. That's why so many families come to Medjugorje». These are the words of archbishop Henryk Hoser, Permanent Apostolic Visitor to the parish of Medjugorje, at the vigil of the World Meeting of Families in Dublin.
Can we save the World Meeting of Families from the gay lobby?
The scandal of the bishops involved in homosexual activities or responsible for child and adult abuse, has rocked the Church. But we should realize that the homosexual wave has reached such high levels in the Vatican that it is even influencing the next World Meeting of Families...
«I visited Alfie: the problem is "brain death"»
What is the origin of the medical approach, flaunted on the world stage, which decided the life of little Alfie Evans? The answer for Dr. Paul Byrne, internationally renowned neonatologist, who visited the baby in December 2017, has been clear for years: «Everything stems from the definition of death, no longer clinical but cerebral. A heretical vision whereby life is measured on the amount of brain functions. So it is full of living people who are not treated».
Appeal of hundreds: «Thank you father Gabriel, now let's ring the bells for Alfie»
A letter/appeal to be signed: "The presence of Don Gabriele near Alfie comforts us. We need priests who, aware of their paternity and vocation, do not abandon us before evil and in the hour of death. We ask to ring the church bells for the baby during his funeral, certain that there are still many priests capable of shouting to the world the scandal of love".
Alfie Evans: on a mission from God
Some people think that Alfie does not have a mission, that he is here by chance. So they ask trivial questions like: "Can he breathe on his own?"; "Will he ever be able to talk or walk?" That's why they think his life is not worth anything, they do not speculate that Alfie has been sent, sent for something great.