Saint Maurus by Ermes Dovico

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Are resources running out? It’s propaganda to impose a Green Deal

Are resources running out? It’s propaganda to impose a Green Deal

A false idea on the topic of resources has also emerged in public opinion. As usual, the target is the human race: everyone believes the earth’s resources are petering out because of over consumption, but this is not the case. The human race produces much more than it consumes: in fact, resources are not defined simply by their natural state, as we are led to believe, but by how human intelligence and creativity develop ways to use nature’s elements.

Sustainable development, a world living in deception

Sustainable development, a world living in deception

The term sustainable development is commonly used to mean economic growth that conserves the environment, an outcome which sounds beneficial and desirable, but the real goal of that concept is to demonstrate that population growth is the real cause of underdevelopment and environmental degradation.

Hong Kong: the Catholic-led protest that challenges Beijing

Hong Kong: the Catholic-led protest that challenges Beijing

A conversation with Steven Mosher (Population Research Institute) on the events in Hong Kong. "The discontent over Beijing's multiple violations of the Sino-British Agreement has been building for many years.  Public anger boiled over with the introduction of the extradition bill, which puts everyone in Hong Kong at risk of being "shanghaied" over the border to China.  But even the promised withdrawal of the bill will not resolve the deeper underlying grievances of the Hong Kong people". "The demonstrations were started and led by Hong Kong's Catholics, who are roughly 8 percent of the population. But to this number must be added the many non-Catholic students who attend Hong Kong's many Catholic high schools and colleges".

Crusade of prayer and fasting to stop heresies in the Amazon Synod

Crusade of prayer and fasting to stop heresies in the Amazon Synod

A "crusade of prayer and fasting" to prevent the Amazon Synod approving the errors and heresies in the Instrumentum Laboris. This is the appeal launched by Cardinal Raymond L. Burke and the auxiliary bishop of Astana (Kazakhstan) Athanasius Schneider

Climate Scaremongering is more political than scientific

Climate Scaremongering is more political than scientific

Years of pounding propaganda have disoriented and seriously distorted how we consider reality, ranging from nature’s mechanisms to the relationship between development and the environment, from climate knowledge to the role of human activities. For this reason, La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana is dedicating a series of instalments to climate change, aimed at addressing the single aspects falsified in this wave of collective hysteria.

The paradox of Medjugorje

The paradox of Medjugorje

The go-ahead for pilgrimages to Medjugorje and the large presence of cardinals, archbishops and bishops at the youth festival in Medjugorje recently, doesn't mean Rome intends to recognise the Marian apparitions, instead tends towards their obscuration. 

Bishop Paglia’s summer coup demolishes the Institute for Family

Bishop Paglia’s summer coup demolishes the Institute for Family

With a summer coup Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia has succeeded in getting the statutes approved of the Giovanni Paolo II Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences which assign the control over what is taught and who teaches it, to himself. He now has the power to definitively distort the purpose of the institute desired by St. John Paul II, to purge unwanted teachers, and to reset teachings in line with Amoris Laetitia.

The Church needs the “combat rosary” not pink quotas

The Church needs the “combat rosary” not pink quotas

The  Church is undergoing a process of feminisation and at the same time it’s deleting all traces of masculinity. It has abandoned the use of military references such as calling its followers "soldiers of Christ.” Father Richard Heilman has found a solution by discovering that during the First World War, the United States government provided a "rosary for combat.” Look who’s using it now

Kerala’s ruling Communists dump proposed legislation to control church property

Kerala’s ruling Communists dump proposed legislation to control church property

The powerful church leadership in southern Kerala state heaved a sigh of relief after Pinarayi Vijayan, the Communist chief minister of the state, denied plan to enact a legislation drafted by the State Law Reforms Commission to take control of church properties.

Vatican clears the way for sex change drugs

Vatican clears the way for sex change drugs

It’s astounding that Vatican News, the official portal of Vatican information and the bioethicist Laura Palazzani, a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, support the Italian State’s decision to include a drug which blocks puberty in the Italian National Health Service. There are statements which overturn Catholic anthropology making the satisfaction of desire a prerogative over vocation. Instead of questioning the causes of distress in adolescence, they offer a drug: a positivist materialism which denies Catholicism. Is this what Catholic universities teach today?

The solution to sexual abuse is not civil justice

The solution to sexual abuse is not civil justice

The growing pressure from the sexual abuse scandal appears to have led the Church to look to civil justice as a solution. A dangerous road to take, considering it permits state interference in the life of the Church and at the worst could bring it to bankruptcy. This is because the Church has lost its sense of divine justice.

Wanted: A Church of believers, not a believable Church

Wanted: A Church of believers, not a believable Church

On the issue of sexual abuse we often hear that the Church’s  credibility is at stake. But this expression is actually the most evident sign that a secularized way of thinking permeates the Church today. It denies that the Church is objectively credible because it is Christ’s will.