More than 100 NGOs lead the assault on innocent life
An open letter from over 100 powerful national and international NGOs (Human Rights Watch, Amnesty, CGIL, etc.) petitioned European governments to authorise abortions over the internet or telephone and to send abortion pills to take at home. In this very same period, several children's associations, including Save the Children, have asked the EU to treat "reproductive health" as a priority during the ongoing pandemic. In brief "human" rights for all, but not for the unborn.

In his Easter vigil homily, Pope Francis once again exhorted the world to end “abortion and the killing of innocent lives" (a phrase completely ignored by the mass media).
Indeed, there is a veritable assault on innocent life going on in Europe. During this very serious temporary crisis we have witnessed the total collusion of some major European institutions and their death lobbies. Their lobbies are hard at work against life with unprecedented demonic effort.
An open letter was published last Wednesday, 8 April by powerful international and national NGOs, most of whom are linked to well-known philanthropists who love all humanity (except the elderly and unborn). The letter petitioned all European governments to safeguard access to abortion services throughout the coronavirus pandemic.
This open letter was signed by more than 100 associations, many of which are closely interconnected and claim to be promoters of human rights. These associations have asked for abortion pills to be sent to people’s homes and to allow abortions to be authorised over the internet or telephone. "We are extremely concerned that the reproductive rights of women and girls are being weakened and disrespected during the pandemic," said Hillary Margolis of Human Rights Watch. "Governments should recognise that access to safe abortion is essential medical care and [...] that they should facilitate it."
The document is very clear, as cruel as it is paradoxical because of its signatories: Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, CGIL, etc. You name it, there is an organization for everyone. Their agendas are utterly repulsive. They advocate human rights for all, except for the newly conceived; they declare amnesty for everyone, yet not for the truly innocent; they seek to protect for work, but offer no help for the unborn. This letter clearly shows the huge lies that hide behind their acronyms and proves that they are infamous "death" agencies.
The letter requests all European countries to strike down mandatory waiting periods (usually 1-7 days) for any type of medical consultation. "European governments must act urgently to ensure safe and timely access to abortion during the COVID-19 pandemic," said Leah Hoctor, regional director for the European Centre for Reproductive Rights. "They should move quickly to eradicate all unnecessary medical requirements that hinder access to abortion care and should empower women to access early medical abortion from their homes."
The violence of their words speaks for themselves. They define abortion as a "cure". This is the most terrible and ironic of lies. How can they compare the most weak and newly conceived human embryo to a disease, a tumour, a hernia to be urgently removed at home with some kill pill?
The attack on European children does not end here. Other international non-profits recently asked the EU to act in every way to promote sex education and sexual rights among children who are currently forced to stay at home during the "quarantine." Six of the main children's associations have sent a letter to European institutions demanding that children’s sexual and reproductive rights be treated as "priorities."
A draft of the letter also stated that "the sexual and reproductive health and rights of girls and women must continue to be a priority, funded and acknowledged as fundamental, along with essential health services for the survival and healthy growth of children."
The six associations are Child Fund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children International, SOS Children's Villages International, Terre des Hommes International Federation, and World Vision International. You read that correctly: Save the Children asks for the priority of sexual and reproductive education, including abortion, rather than the health and safety of babies in the womb. The only ones who have partially dissociated themselves by changing the draft (see here), were the Christians who run World Vision International which just in the past few days reiterated their commitment to defending life from conception to natural death.
The fact is that the assault on innocent European children is particularly fierce. Europe is asked to facilitate the death of the unborn and deprave infants. "Phase 2" ends here, but with one foot in the grave.