
Yes to female "readers and acolytes," puts Diaconate in danger

Yes to female "readers and acolytes," puts Diaconate in danger

By virtue of his motu proprio Spiritus Domini, The Pope's decision to modify Canon 230 opens the Lectorate and Acolytate to women as well. Down through the centuries, these have always been  ‘ministries’ conferred to males alone, because, like the other ancient minor orders, they emanate from the Diaconate. In this way,  having broken the bond with tradition, the latter can also be attacked.

Disturbing Church push for UN goals

Disturbing Church push for UN goals

Definitely abandoning its presence in defense of man and non-negotiable principles, the Church has accepted the United Nations 2030 agenda with targets in favor of contraception, abortion and promotion of education contrary to human nature. Enemy pressure and the weakness of the Vatican explain the turnaround that began in 2015.

Incarnation and Redemption are founded in the feast of the Epiphany

Incarnation and Redemption are founded in the feast of the Epiphany

The adoration of the Child Jesus by the Three Kings and the gifts they offer Him attest to His true identity, the person of God the Son in whom divine nature and human nature are united for the salvation of the world. How contemporary the Feast of the Epiphany is, the feast of the light of Christ shining in Christian hearts for the salvation of the world! Today, the darkness that could deceive us and lead us away from the Light that is Christ has entered the Church itself.

Mary's divine Motherhood that gives way to redemption

Mary's divine Motherhood that gives way to redemption

When we think of the mother of God we tend to "shift" to our level of experience, reducing Mary to  a carnal mother. Instead, the Church teaches that it is precisely by our asserting her title of Dei Genetrix that we can defend the truth of the two natures of the One Divine Person. Moreover, Mary's "yes" to the Incarnation includes her "yes" to participate in the redemptive work of her Son. That is why she is Co-Redeemer and not merely a most virtuous woman.

«The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light»

«The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light»

«Christmas is an event of light, it is the feast of light: in the Child of Bethlehem the primordial light once more shines in humanity’s heaven and dissipates the clouds of sin. The radiance of God’s definitive triumph appears on the horizon of history in order to offer a new future of hope to a pilgrim people». We propose the homily of Saint John Paul II at Christmas Midnigh Mass, 2001.

Joseph’s marriage to Mary, a mystery of salvation

Joseph’s marriage to Mary, a mystery of salvation

From his marriage to Mary, Joseph derives his participation in “her sublime dignity” (Leo XIII) and his paternal rights over Jesus. The two holy spouses, both virgins, by their obedience to divine will and their acceptance of the Saviour, become the couple which, unlike Adam and Eve, “constitutes the summit from which holiness spreads over the whole earth” (Paul VI). A true catechesis on the family must start from their marriage.

Pope’s message for peace 2021, some positive aspects

Pope’s message for peace 2021, some positive aspects

In his message for the World Day of Peace, Pope Francis, in addition to some of the social themes he has repeated several times, departs somewhat from previous documents by placing greater emphasis on the primacy of God, and with an explicit reference to the Church’s social doctrine.

The “alien” Crib in the Vatican is an expression of the New Church

The “alien” Crib in the Vatican is an expression of the New Church

The ugly and questionable Vatican Crib: the message is clear, explicit, and intentional. It is no longer the sacred representation of an event that took place, but the pretext to say other things that are pressing to the world - especially to the cultural mainstream - and to today's society.

A clever way to impose an Amazonian liturgy

A clever way to impose an Amazonian liturgy

The Roman Missal in the Zairean rite is the first one to be enculturated and lends itself to becoming a precursor to a future Amazonian rite. There are two risks in this undertaking: introducing pagan elements and producing a new liturgy inspired by the objectives of Church politics as opposed to the Church’s mission.  On this matter, Benedict XVI warned, "A liturgy is not born by means of decrees."

Advent. Christ knocks at the door of our hearts

Advent. Christ knocks at the door of our hearts

In the same way Saint John the Baptist prepared the way for the coming of the Messiah, after four thousand years of expectancy, so the four weeks of Advent are our opportunity to receive Jesus into our life today. The Lord never stops knocking on the doors of our hearts and by welcoming Him now we can rejoice fully with Him at the end of time. Advent calls us to purification through prayer and sincere confession, so that we may be filled with the grace of Christ.

There’s no room for Christ in the “Assisi Accord”

There’s no room for Christ in the “Assisi Accord”

The three-day virtual Assisi "Economy of Francis” convention concluded with abundant slogans and the decision to start the process of finding new tools to overcome the world’s economic and social distortions. It was an entirely horizontal, worldly perspective, as echoed in Pope Francis’s final video message, overturning the vision of integral human development set forth by Paul VI in Populorum Progressio and by Benedict XVI in Caritas in Veritate.

Attack against John Paul II: that’s the purpose of the McCarrick Report

Attack against John Paul II: that’s the purpose of the McCarrick Report

From the National Catholic Reporter to the New York Times: the campaign has been launched to discredit St. John Paul II and cast doubts on his holiness. In fact, the error made in McCarrick’s appointment as archbishop of Washington, D. C., in the absence of proof substantiating the rumors, was induced by the opinion of two trusted advisors. This is what the Report states. Oddly enough, this circumstance is ignored in the synopsis of the McCarrick Report. Thereby the Vatican Report makes the cultural operation against St. John Paul II all the easier.