Saint Polycarp by Ermes Dovico

Benedict xvi

The ecclesiastical circumscription, an idea for the Ancient Rite

The ecclesiastical circumscription, an idea for the Ancient Rite

The founder of the St Vincent Ferrer Fraternity, Father de Blignières, proposes an ecclesiastical circumscription for the Ancient Rite. A concrete proposal, after Traditionis custodes, to respond to the need of many faithful who want to remain in communion with the Pope.

Broaden reason: Benedict XVI’s legacy betrayed

Broaden reason: Benedict XVI’s legacy betrayed

Ratzinger repeatedly invited to ‘broaden’ reason, which victim of a secular process that from the 14th century to the present day, via Kant, has made it lose faith in its ability to know the objective and finalistic order of things. This invitation has not been taken up during the current pontificate: the path indicated by Francis is in fact post-metaphysical, i.e. Kantian.

On abortion and gender, Benedict and Francis are irreconcilable

On abortion and gender, Benedict and Francis are irreconcilable

Monsignor Gänswein's memoir, which recalls Pope Ratzinger's notes on Pope Francis' statements on abortion, contraception and homosexuality, confirms the different doctrinal and pastoral perspective of the reigning Pope compared to the emeritus.

Civil unions "contrary to the common good". Signed Benedict

Civil unions "contrary to the common good". Signed Benedict

In his latest article - published in the collection “The True Europe. Identity and Mission”, with an introduction by Pope Francis - Ratzinger underlines the gravity of the legal approval of homosexual unions, which produces consequences "contrary to the common good". Laws to this effect clear the way for a concept that debases the dignity of man, reducing him to a "product", and is therefore against "the ecology of man", created in the image and likeness of God, and therefore sacrosanct. This text by the Pope Emeritus recalls the truth always taught by the Church, but forgotten in Bergoglio's recent in-flight press conference on his return from Slovakia.

Resignation and Pope Emeritus, another mess is brewing

Resignation and Pope Emeritus, another mess is brewing

A new Motu Proprio to regulate the "emeritus papacy", a canonical problem effectively left open by Benedict XVI, is expected soon. What according to his predecessor was to remain an exception, for Francis it would become an institution along with all the problems that this entails because by its very nature only one person can assume the title of “pope.” The proposed hypothesis of retirement at 85 would be a blow to the heart of the Petrine office.

McCarrick on trial, but it's not Benedict XVI's fault

McCarrick on trial, but it's not Benedict XVI's fault

Theodore McCarrick is to take the stand for pedophilia. He had already resigned as a cardinal in 2018, after Pope Francis suspended him from exercising any public ministry. It’s wrong to insinuate a sort of impunity guaranteed with previous pontificates. Here's why.

Benedict XVI shows the Church the way (not just in Germany)

Benedict XVI shows the Church the way (not just in Germany)

In an interview with the periodical Herder Korrespondenz, Benedict XVI highlights the growing distance between the authentic ecclesial mission and the “institutional Church”, made up of bureaucracy and documents without “the heart and the spirit”. A situation that does not only concern the Church in Germany, but is more general and feeds “the exodus from the world of faith”. Recalling his precious year as chaplain in Bogenhausen, Ratzinger reminds us that God alone is the answer against totalitarianism, past and present.

Latin mass thrown out along with Benedict XVI

Latin mass thrown out along with Benedict XVI

With the Motu proprio that does away with the vetus ordo, Pope Francis erases Benedict XVI's effort to ensure the development of the Church in continuity with Tradition, to prevent the Second Vatican Council from being understood as a rupture.

The Eucharist: true Body born of the Virgin Mary

The Eucharist: true Body born of the Virgin Mary

"Ave verum Corpus natum de Maria Virgine" (Hail,  O true Body, born of the Virgin Mary). These are the words of the famous Eucharistic hymn that reminds us of the special bond that exists between the Son of God and His Mother Mary. As, Benedict XVI explained, Mary "was the living 'tabernacle' of the Eucharist." St. John Paul II recalled the inseparable union between the Incarnation and the Eucharistic mystery. Mary's "yes" guarantees that the Christian faith is not some vague spiritualism, because from her womb, the Body, the true Bread of Life, is born.


Latin Mass, the Pope's clampdown: protests on the way

Latin Mass, the Pope's clampdown: protests on the way

While a schism is underway in Germany, there are protests against the Latin Mass inside the Vatican. Rumours of a restrictive revision of Summorum Pontificum have filtered through the latest Italian Bishops' Conference assembly after the Pope's speech. Confirmations of this are coming from France. It would be a slap in the face of Benedict XVI who signed the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, but behind the scenes tug-of-war is happening between the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Vatican Secretariat of State. Faithful from well-formed groups supporting the Latin Mass stand ready to descend on Rome and for what would be a clamorous protest.