Saint Pantaleon by Ermes Dovico


UN: Here’s how Soros, Gates and Ford decide human rights

UN: Here’s how Soros, Gates and Ford decide human rights

The Eclj is publishing  a 92-page report showing how the majority of experts of the UN Human Rights Council are conditioned by the funding of certain states and organizations such as the Ford and Gates foundations and Soros' Open Society, with an anti-life and family agenda. Available online, the report is full of figures, facts and names.

UK cuts UNFPA abortion funds

UK cuts UNFPA abortion funds

The UK has cut its budget due to the economic crisis caused by Covid-19. The cuts also include a drastic reduction in the funds allocated to UNFPA, the UN agency for population. And among these, funding for reproductive health programs for developing countries is especially reduced. Explicitly speaking this means less money for abortion. The reason for the Johnson government’s decision, in contrast to the Biden administration in the US, has not yet been explained. But the UK has nonetheless set an important example, to other lenders.

Gates’anti-life billions cast a dark shadow over vaccines

Gates’anti-life billions cast a dark shadow over vaccines

On July 2, at the conclusion of the Generation Equality Forum, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced a pledge of $2.1 billion in grants over the next five years. The bulk of the funds will go to contraception and "reproductive health and rights" (abortion) projects. This is part of an ongoing anti-life commitment and which raises serious questions about the funds invested in Covid vaccines. Are we really sure that the real objective is health?

"The abortion of Down babies is discriminatory". British government stands trial

"The abortion of Down babies is discriminatory". British government stands trial

Today the hearing begins which challenges the law that allows abortion up to 24 weeks, but in the case of disabilities such as Down syndrome up to nine months. The courageous action of two women: "Once a diagnosis for Down syndrome is confirmed, there’s tremendous pressure to have an abortion. It's an offensive law "

USAID’s Samantha Power: new power on the global stage

USAID’s Samantha Power: new power on the global stage

The nomination of Samantha Power to lead USAID -  the United States Agency for International Development - is and indication of a more aggressive policy to promote abortion in the world. Indeed the nomination of Samantha Power as Administrator of USAID was enthusiastically welcomed by the abortion industry.

Abortion education: a priority for the G7

Abortion education: a priority for the G7

Among the priorities decided and the documents approved during the meeting in London of the G7 Foreign and Development Ministers, ahead of the next summit of leaders of state and government of the world’s most industrialised countries (11-13 June), is the education of girls to include the murder of their unborn child. Pushing for this are the powers that be from around the world.