Saint John Paul II by Ermes Dovico

Homeland, the Command that challenges blind enthusiasm for globalism

Homeland, the Command that challenges blind enthusiasm for globalism

Why does politics believe that the nation-state is overrun by unstoppable globalization and thereby condemns itself? The XI Report on the Social Doctrine of the Church in the World issued by the Cardinal Van Thuân Observatory is dedicated to this problem. The nation is configured as a "homeland" precisely because it has its roots in the "fathers" and John Paul said that duty to the homeland derives from the fourth commandment: Honour  your father and mother. This is why its necessary to recuperate this concept in the face of the current unstoppable forced globalism.

Rethinking notions of freedom and democracy

Rethinking notions of freedom and democracy

Defending health cannot be bartered for our loss of freedom. Yet, by the same token, we mustn’t forget that, in recent years, a misunderstood sense of democracy has all but destroyed the family and devastated the moral principle of our right to life. The challenge is rejecting authoritarianism without returning to false sense of democracy and freedom.

Beyond belief: local police storm Mass

Beyond belief: local police storm Mass

A scene from Communist China took place in Marina di Cerveteri north of Rome. A parish priest surprised by two law enforcement officials is ordered to stop a Eucharistic celebration. What’s the reason? Because there were faithful gathered outside in the churchyard praying at the recommended distance. 

The business of welcoming immigrants is not true subsidiarity

The business of welcoming immigrants is not true subsidiarity

It is often said that the system of welcoming migrants that operates in Europe corresponds to the principle of subsidiarity. But this is a deception: the social agencies that welcome illegal immigrants and asylum seekers are actually run by the State in terms of funding as well as regulations; as such they are only agents of the State, and they operate only as long as the State wants them to.

The murky links between Podemos and the Latin American socialist regimes

The murky links between Podemos and the Latin American socialist regimes

Funding, exchange of favours, consultancies, contacts and many ideological affinities: there is still much to discover about the connection (which exists and is evident) between Podemos, the Spanish left-wing party in government, and the socialist regimes in South America, especially with former President Morales in Bolivia.