Chair of Saint Peter by Ermes Dovico


Trafficking in aborted foetuses, Open's wacky fact-checking debunked

Trafficking in aborted foetuses, Open's wacky fact-checking debunked

Open, in agreement with Meta, brands the recent Nuova Bussola/Daily Compass article on videos showing the trafficking of aborted baby parts as fake news: videos which were also covered up by Kamala Harris. But the tendentious fact-checking fails on every account to refute the information written in our article.

'New' Poland is born anti-Catholic

'New' Poland is born anti-Catholic

Prime Minister Donald Tusk's new government takes shape under the banner of the Brussels agenda: loss of sovereignty, ecologism, abortion rights and LGBTQ+ rights.

England, 100 pounds for the right to life

England, 100 pounds for the right to life

The trial of Adam Smith-Connor, who refuses to pay a fine for praying silently in front of an abortion clinic, has been adjourned until January. But the law establishing buffer zones around abortion clinics is at stake.

British government thinks again, “silent prayer is not unlawful”

British government thinks again, “silent prayer is not unlawful”

In a letter to the police forces, British Home Secretary, Suella Braverman clarifies, among other things, that silent prayer near abortion clinics cannot be cause for arrests. But the fundamental problem remains: the strict restrictions around clinics prevent acts of charity

UK democracy “on trial”: ex-soldier challenges “thought-police” on abortion

UK democracy “on trial”: ex-soldier challenges “thought-police” on abortion

Adam Smith-Connor fought for freedom in Afghanistan, and is now being prosecuted in England for praying in silence for his aborted son near an abortion clinic. Mr Smith-Connor explains to the Daily Compass why his conversion to Christianity prompted a battle to defend life and freedom of thought in his home country.

Isabel and Fr Sean acquitted but praying for life remains risky

Isabel and Fr Sean acquitted but praying for life remains risky

Arrested for praying silently near an abortion clinic, the two Catholic and pro-life activists, are found "not guilty". A major victory against thought crime, but a law looms that will make it mandatory in England and Wales to ban people from approaching all abortion clinics.

Catholic priest arrested, pro-life prayer becomes a crime in England

Catholic priest arrested, pro-life prayer becomes a crime in England

Even a Catholic priest has been arrested in front of a Birmingham abortion clinic, meanwhile the case of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce remains unresolved. And the law that criminalises praying near an abortion facility is close to passing, violating the right to freedom of expression and religious freedom.

On abortion and gender, Benedict and Francis are irreconcilable

On abortion and gender, Benedict and Francis are irreconcilable

Monsignor Gänswein's memoir, which recalls Pope Ratzinger's notes on Pope Francis' statements on abortion, contraception and homosexuality, confirms the different doctrinal and pastoral perspective of the reigning Pope compared to the emeritus.

Abortion and the US Supreme Court: why the Constitution can’t be self sufficient

Abortion and the US Supreme Court: why the Constitution can’t be self sufficient

The historic American ruling, regardless of its merits, is not (yet?) a pro-life victory. If the reference to the Constitution does not impose the right to abortion, neither does it prohibit it, thus opening the way to those who would like to constitutionalise evil by calling it a 'right'. The Constitution is not enough on its own if it is not based on natural law.

Pelosi’s Communion in the Vatican undermines US bishops

Pelosi’s Communion in the Vatican undermines US bishops

The Speaker of the House visited the Vatican and received Holy Communion during the papal Mass, in open defiance of Bishop Cordileone, who had personally forbidden her Communion for her open support of abortion.

73 million abortions per year are considered a ‘right’… UNFPA report

73 million abortions per year are considered a ‘right’… UNFPA report

According to a UN world population estimate, between the years 2015-2019 there were 73 million abortions per year. For the UNFPA, the ‘invisible’ problem is a question of undesired pregnancies. In reality, the only invisible element is the unborn baby within the womb, thanks to governmental systems, innumerous lobbies, the establishment media and pseudo-cultural gurus who attempt to brush off prenatal homicide as a ‘woman’s right’.

Abortionist fury engulfs Ireland

Abortionist fury engulfs Ireland

Parliament has just rejected an amendment to guarantee palliative care for foetuses which have survived late abortions, whereas abortion groups are pushing for easier access to abortion in a country that already guarantees one of the most liberal legislations in Europe.