Saint Alexius by Ermes Dovico

Family and Education

Stripped and searched, how British police abuse minors

Stripped and searched, how British police abuse minors

Over 2,000 minors are subjected to body searches every year. The shocking reality became public knowledge after two enquiries. The government is running for cover and has already prepared new restrictive regulations for the police that will come into force this summer.

Another referendum in Ireland targets woman and marriage

Another referendum in Ireland targets woman and marriage

On 8 March, a poll will take place to remove from the Constitution a woman’s right to stay home to look after her family and the uniqueness of the natural family.

Defenders of life and abortionists: confusion in the Vatican

Defenders of life and abortionists: confusion in the Vatican

The new appointments to the Pontifical Academy for Life – which includes economist Marianna Mazzucato – confirm the 'Paglia line' open to experts in important fields that are in principle pro-abortion, while purging those who are most faithful to the Academy's original identity, and therefore critical of its current direction.

Spanish Equal Opportunities minister calls paedophilia 'a right'

Spanish Equal Opportunities minister calls paedophilia 'a right'

Shock in Spain. Minister Montero says that “children have a right to sex as long as they consent”. It is the natural outcome of the hypersexualisation of children that began with the sexual revolution. No comment from the Left and the EU of course, is too busy giving pro-life Hungary lessons in democracy .

Cardinal Zuppi lies about gay couple blessing

Cardinal Zuppi lies about gay couple blessing

A communiqué from the archdiocese of Bologna (Italy) denies that the mass in Budrio on 11 June was to bless a gay couple, but witnesses say otherwise. And the Daily Compass also reveals the content of the wedding invitation sent via WhatsApp by one of the 'spouses'. The diocese's document also falsifies a 1986 document by Ratzinger in order to show that it is in tune: but that document said exactly the opposite, it is in fact a clear condemnation of Cardinal Zuppi's pastoral work.


First gay blessing in Italy, diocese of Italian bishops’ president

First gay blessing in Italy, diocese of Italian bishops’ president

First, the civil union at the registry office, then the blessing in church. It’s the first time a gay couple has been blessed in public in an Italian church. What’s more, it took place in Bologna which is the diocese of Cardinal Zuppi, the president of the Italian Bishops' Conference. An act which is in open violation of the Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which forbids such blessings. It’s a demonstration of the pharisaic hypocrisy of certain pastors who, instead of calling the sheep back, proudly lead them on the road to perdition.

Ireland: murdered women, launches anti-male crusade

Ireland: murdered women, launches anti-male crusade

The terrible murder of 23-year-old Ashling Murphy has provoked such a wave of sentiment across the country, that it has turned into a pounding campaign that accuses all males, and obviously the Church, of being responsible for a misogynist society.

The father, formidable antidote to dysfunction and crime

The father, formidable antidote to dysfunction and crime

An article in the Washington Examiner draws attention to the role of the father, who is crucial for the discipline and success of children. And irrefutable studies underline the importance of the father figure and therefore of a stable marriage in reducing suicide rates, drugs, school drop-outs and a range of disorders among young people. What are politicians waiting for to take note of this and reverse the course?

From Gay Pride to paedophilia: the Netherlands leads the way

From Gay Pride to paedophilia: the Netherlands leads the way

Dutch Pride is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a photo competition. One prize has gone to a disturbing image of a two-year-old girl surrounded by S&M males. Why? Because of the usual litany about prejudice and diversity. This is the kind of  "freedom" the LGBTI movement aspires to: a future of male bondage engaged in extreme and violent sex and their aspiring attention to the girl. On this matter, The European Commission is silent while voicing protest against Poland and Hungary for their strong opposition to homosexual ideologies in childhood. It says nothing about this widespread and ever less latent paedophilia.

Fake penises for newborn trans girls, the latest LGBT madness

Fake penises for newborn trans girls, the latest LGBT madness

Padded polyester penises to put into little girls' panties so they can experience what it's like to be a boy is only the extreme tip of an LGBT industry for infants which - with toys, food, clothes and books - is booming.

LGBT index of churches now published (thanks to George Soros)

LGBT index of churches now published (thanks to George Soros)

The very first "Rainbow Index of Churches in Europe" has been published, ranking 46 churches in 32 countries according to their degree of “LGBT inclusiveness". In Catholicism, the country having the most gay-friendly church is Germany while Italy ranks fifth (17th overall). The initiative was spearheaded by the so-called "European Forum of LGBT Christian Group” which has the explicit support of George Soros' Open Society. It aims to subject the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations to the wishes of gay ideology. An overview is given herein.

Naomi and the baby that appeared from nowhere

Naomi and the baby that appeared from nowhere

A baby appeared from nowhere, nameless, faceless and fatherless, wrapped in mystery, divorced from any declared parental relationship. The surprising announcement of Naomi Campbell, 51 years old, that she has just become the mother of a baby girl represents the next step in the evolution of adult individualism under the guise of parenthood.