Saint Thomas by Ermes Dovico

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First gay blessing in Italy, diocese of Italian bishops’ president

First gay blessing in Italy, diocese of Italian bishops’ president

First, the civil union at the registry office, then the blessing in church. It’s the first time a gay couple has been blessed in public in an Italian church. What’s more, it took place in Bologna which is the diocese of Cardinal Zuppi, the president of the Italian Bishops' Conference. An act which is in open violation of the Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which forbids such blessings. It’s a demonstration of the pharisaic hypocrisy of certain pastors who, instead of calling the sheep back, proudly lead them on the road to perdition.

Two ways to avoid a global food crisis

Two ways to avoid a global food crisis

The first measure to control global food prices is to put some of the accumulated stocks on the market. But then structural interventions are needed to increase production: the EU has taken the opposite route, focusing on organic farming, therefore developing countries have to go it alone. The negative consequences of Laudato si' and the positive role the Church could play instead.

Archie Battersbee’s mother: “stop them slaughtering my son”

Archie Battersbee’s mother: “stop them slaughtering my son”

After the ruling, which gives the doctors of the 12-year-old with a severe brain injury, permission to remove his life support, Archie's family declare they intend to appeal and denounce the collusion between the judge and doctors and the serious failures of the London Royal Hospital: "They consider him dead based on just an MRI scan ". "From the start, they were more interested in his organs than saving him." "They are trying to starve him to death." "The hospital hygiene is appalling, there is also a death chamber for children like Archie.”

There’s more to the Wheat crisis than just the Russian-Ukrainian war

There’s more to the Wheat crisis than just the Russian-Ukrainian war

To understand the current international apprehension over the wheat stocks blocked in Odessa, one needs to know that together Russia and Ukraine produce 14% of the world's wheat. But the steep rise in the prices of agricultural products began well before the conflict in Eastern Europe, due to the rush to stockpile by some countries after the pandemic and the forecasts of a decrease in world production.

25% rise in heart disease topples vaccine-worship

25% rise in heart disease topples vaccine-worship

The Israeli study does not lie: there was an increase of as much as 25% of cases that had needed emergency treatment for cardiovascular problems, by young people and adults between 16 and 39 years old, between January and May 2021, compared to the corresponding pre-pandemic and pre-vaccine periods. This study shows that the problem of vaccine adverse effects has been largely underestimated and underreported. A marked change is also needed in view of future further doses.

American bishops 'cold' about new pro-Lgbt cardinal

American bishops 'cold' about new pro-Lgbt cardinal

Pope Francis' decision to make Bishop Robert McElroy a cardinal continues to cause debate across the Atlantic. The US Bishops' Conference coldly dismisses Francis' decision, which is instead praised by Father James Martin, who calls the new cardinal a "friend of the LGBTQ community".

Monkeypox and gay pride: the WHO’s inconsistency

Monkeypox and gay pride: the WHO’s inconsistency

The World Health Organisation, after declaring the cause of the spread of the monkeypox pandemic (two LGBTQI+ raves in Belgium and Spain) and issuing a specific guide for LGBTQI+ people on the dangers of monkeypox, now self-censors and promotes participation in Gay Pride around the world.

Archie Battersbee, conversion also changes the fight for life

Archie Battersbee, conversion also changes the fight for life

In anticipation of the High Court judge’s decision whether to end the life of 12-year-old Archie whose doctors consider brain dead, his family give an important testimony: converted to Catholicism after the accident, they ask for prayers not public protests. It’s a public recognition of who the true Lord of life is.

The Vatican opens up to 'LGBT families’

The Vatican opens up to 'LGBT families’

At the press conference for the presentation of the World Meeting of Families (Rome 22-26 June), the concept of an "Amoris Laetitia family" was used in opposition to the natural family, to clear the way for an approach that welcomes any form of union, homosexual first and foremost. It is a decisive break from what has always been the Church's teaching.

Psyche & Prozac: could a side effect be behind the massacres?

Psyche & Prozac: could a side effect be behind the massacres?

Racism, the spread of weapons, social distress. But, what if there were something more? There are many causes behind the US massacres. But there is one that is never analysed: killing is not easy, it requires large quantities of drugs to be taken to commit one. Many of the school killers have a history of psychiatric problems. In fact, the Prozac leaflet states that...

"This is why Freemasonry and the Church are incompatible".

"This is why Freemasonry and the Church are incompatible".

There are about six hundred documents, approved by the Popes, condemning Freemasonry, in any form. Freemasonry "denies in principle the value of revealed truth", rejecting all faith in the dogmas taught by the Church. The religious indifferentism of Freemasons is characterised by "a deistic conception", incompatible with the Catholic conception. The Daily Compass interviews Father Zbigniew Suchecki, one of the leading experts on the complex relationship between the Church and Freemasonry.

German Church, the strengths of a weak faith

German Church, the strengths of a weak faith

It is important to recall some parts of the interview given by Msgr. Georg Bätzing, president of the German Bishops' Conference. Of course, ecclesiastical celibacy, the ordination of women priests, and homosexuality are also mentioned. But, as Benedict XVI said, these are points on which the German Church shows all its weakness.