Saint Thomas by Ermes Dovico

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Paglia case: how to destroy Catholic morality

Paglia case: how to destroy Catholic morality

Recent statements, in Italy, by the president of the Pontifical Academy for Life on abortion have caused scandal and controversy. But these are not extemporaneous remarks, rather there is a precise intention to transform the entire moral doctrine of the Church. Monsignor Paglia is only carrying out the task entrusted to him.

Bavarian woman builds a church to fulfil a promise

Bavarian woman builds a church to fulfil a promise

A beautiful chapel gives visible and concrete form to a Bavarian woman's prayer for the healing of her son. It took Rosa Mühlberg three years to build it including parts built with her own hands. And it is more beautiful than many modern cathedrals. It’s proof that authentic sensus fidei also inspires true beauty.

England’s "best interests" law would have even killed Schumacher

England’s "best interests" law would have even killed Schumacher

Michael Schumacher is alive albeit severely disabled, also thanks to his wife. While the English courts and protocols in the name of "dignity" prevented Archie Battersbee’s family from taking care of him. Two similar cases divided by a basic difference: the country where the accident occurred.

Pope and Nicaragua: when politics comes before faith

Pope and Nicaragua: when politics comes before faith

The words pronounced at yesterday’s Angelus by the Pope on the situation in Nicaragua, the first in four years of persecutions, are gravely inadequate and are consistent with the attitude held towards all communist regimes, not only South American. But the real problem is bending the Church's presence and intervention to political logic.

The Spanish government declares war on Crosses

The Spanish government declares war on Crosses

The new law on Democratic Memory also targets the tallest cross in the world, located in Valle de los Caidos, from which Francisco Franco's body was also moved three years ago. The Benedictine monks will also have to leave, to turn the place into a democratic symbol. But this is only part of a war on all crosses in Spain. Protests from the bishops.

Vaccine and heart damage: new evidence. The Pentagon joins the fray

Vaccine and heart damage: new evidence. The Pentagon joins the fray

New international studies on mRNA vaccines belie the narrative of benefits outweighing damages. According to a new Thai study, almost 30% of children who received Pfizer's vaccine suffered cardiac effects. But this is only one of some 200 published studies showing that the risks of the Covid vaccination far outweigh any theoretical benefits. And now even the Pentagon has doubts: the US Department of Defence's data on young soldiers vaccinated is alarming: 2021 saw drastic spikes in a variety of diagnoses for serious medical problems compared to the average of the previous five years.

FBI raid on Trump’s home marks end of American Freedom

FBI raid on Trump’s home marks end of American Freedom

World 11_08_2022 John Rao

The FBI raid on former President Trump’s residence is the sign and culmination of an oligarchy’s domination (political, financial, media, etc.) which has subverted the natural and legal order. The remedy, however, does not consist in returning to the “American Way” or "to the principles of the Founding Fathers”, because they were always, from the very outset, designed to allow an oligarchy to dominate things politically and socially.

Taiwan crisis, we need firefighters not arsonists

Taiwan crisis, we need firefighters not arsonists

From Ukraine to the Balkans, from the Middle East to Asia-Pacific, tensions are boiling over and becoming more dangerous by the day. Especially disturbing is the fact that there are no firefighters on hand when fires break out. And the crisis in Taiwan is particularly dangerous because the equilibrium rests on certain fictions.

“Taiwan considers China's actions irresponsible"

“Taiwan considers China's actions irresponsible"

Taiwan’s Ambassador to the Holy See, Matthew Lee, speaks forthrightly to the Daily Compass in his condemnation of Communist China’s military action against his country. "It is a one-sided attempt to create a crisis." Lee reiterates that the Republic of China (Taiwan) is not part of the People's Republic of China and that Beijing has never ruled Taipei.


The planned death of Archie Battersbee kills a mother's love

The planned death of Archie Battersbee kills a mother's love

After a hard four-month legal battle, the doctors at the Royal London Hospital have won: Archie, the 12-year-old youngster in a coma since April 7, had his life-support removed and was left to die in hospital with a procedure that smacks of an execution. He died at 12:15 on 6 August. His brave mother, Hollie Dance, fought until the last moment to affirm the right to life and the primacy of parental love against a state that claims the power of life and death over its citizens.
- ARCHIE'S BRIEF LIFE IS IN ITS LAST HOURS, by Patricia Gooding Williams

Archie Battersbee’s brief life is in its last hours

Archie Battersbee’s brief life is in its last hours

There is no hope left for Archie Battersbee now that the British Supreme Court, has rejected the last appeal to save him from the doctors who claim death in his "best interest": at 11am his life-support will be detached despite the announcement of a last-ditch attempt to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. A "brutal and shameful" sentence, states Hollie Dance, the brave mother of the 12-year-old in a coma since April 7. “I will still fight until the last minute for my son".
UPDATE 1:00 PM: Barts Health Trust: No changes until the outstanding legal issues are resolved.
UPDATE 10:00 PM - Last-ditch appeal to European Court is rejected  


Death at noon for Archie Battersbee if Supreme Court rejects last appeal

Death at noon for Archie Battersbee if Supreme Court rejects last appeal

Appeal judges postponed the "execution" of the 12-year-old in a coma at the Royal London Hospital by a few hours so that a last, desperate appeal to the Supreme Court may take place. They rejected the UN’s request to suspend the withdrawal of life-support and insist that death is in Archie's "best interest". If, as expected, also the Supreme Court rules against Archie, today at 12 he will be deprived of all life-sustaining treatment.