Saint Thomas by Ermes Dovico

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Bux: “Only the proclamation of the Gospel produces true and enduring peace”

Bux: “Only the proclamation of the Gospel produces true and enduring peace”

The ecumenical relations crisis between the Holy See and the Patriarchate of Moscow due to varying positions regarding the war in Ukraine: “it is the failure of an ecumenism based upon highly publicised encounters attempting to diminish the significance of our differences. John Paul II, on the other hand, focused upon establishing the roots of various cultures and traditions in order to insist upon the unity found in their origins: Christ and His Gospel”. “The work of the Church is not to fight for the environment or for peace, but rather to evangelise, because only Jesus can change a person’s heart. And if their heart is changed, the world will be changed”. The theologian Monsignor Nicola Bux speaks out.

Heidi Crowter, with Down syndrome: I’m suing the British government for discrimination

Heidi Crowter, with Down syndrome: I’m suing the British government for discrimination

The woman who recently won the right to have her case against the abortion law reviewed in the London Court of Appeals because it discriminates against unborn babies with Down syndrome, speaks to The Daily Compass: “The law makes me feel like I should not exist. But people need to know that we are human beings who can have a great life. My Christian faith gives me the strength to fight this battle”.


False freedom and social harm, anti-abortion draft demolishes Roe

False freedom and social harm, anti-abortion draft demolishes Roe

The US Supreme Court's anti-abortion draft, signed by Justice Alito, explains that the principle of stare decisis cannot bind the court if precedents are erroneous, such as Roe v Wade and Casey v Planned Parenthood. These rulings set an arbitrary threshold such as foetal viability, and caused both social and legal harm. The Alito draft also sets out the principles that abortion laws will have to respect if Roe and Casey are overturned.

US Supreme Court, anti-abortion draft x-rayed

US Supreme Court, anti-abortion draft x-rayed

In the draft signed by Justice Alito, which intends to annul both Roe v Wade (1973) and Casey v Planned Parenthood (1992), several critical points of the two abortion judgments are highlighted: the Constitution does not provide for a right to abortion, Roe and Casey are anti-democratic (usurping legislative power) and endorse a false freedom.

Ukraine: the West’s self-destruction gives the rise to a “Front for Peace Negotiations”

Ukraine: the West’s self-destruction gives the rise to a “Front for Peace Negotiations”

With Russia on one hand, the EU and the USA on the other, a fierce conflict has commenced which damages all parties involved, but a group of countries is emerging whose primary interest is to insist that this conflict end: Turkey, Brazil and India, who fear a new world recession and the reinforcement of China, provoked by the conflict between the two blocks.

Asylum seekers sent to Rwanda, Johnson's mistake

Asylum seekers sent to Rwanda, Johnson's mistake

World 02_05_2022 Anna Bono

For over a year, Britain has been planning rules and measures to stop illegal immigration and has signed a special agreement to this effect with the Rwandan government. Criticism immediately poured in from France, Amnesty International, and UNHCR, the UN refugee agency. And yet the real problem to be solved does not feature among any of those alleged.

The Parable of the Sower, a theme dear to van Gogh

The Parable of the Sower, a theme dear to van Gogh

The Parable of the Sower is present in all three Synoptics. Vincent van Gogh found it fascinating and consequently made it the subject of several paintings. Of particular note are The Sower at Sunset, which is full of mysticism, and The Sower in Winterthur, which is full of melancholy...


Brabantse worstenbroodjes

Brabantse worstenbroodjes

Culture 02_05_2022

Müller: A Consistory to proclaim peace comes from God

Müller: A Consistory to proclaim peace comes from God

“Every war is the offspring of original sin; the weapons of Christians are prayer and the proclamation of the Gospel of Peace”. “It is absurd that Putin would call himself Christian, then give orders to kill other individuals - the very image of God; and it is inconceivable that a Christian Church become an instrument of Nationalism”. “Providing assistance to Ukraine is one issue, but to use it for other political interests is an entirely different issue”. “The sending of arms is an extremely delicate question. A point of equilibrium must be found in order to avoid an escalation, as well as the possibility that Putin threaten other countries”. So speaks Cardinal Gerhard L. Müller, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in this Daily Compass interview.

There is Schism within the Church: we are simply not permitted to acknowledge it

There is Schism within the Church: we are simply not permitted to acknowledge it

The German Synod has provided us with a pretext for returning to the discussion of the looming Schism within the Church, but over the past years, both the Magisterium and theology itself have evolved in such a manner that the confine between that which is true and immutable and that which is unacceptable, has been breached. The China-Vatican agreement, the alteration of the Catechism regarding the death penalty, the abolition of ‘intrinsic evil’ in Amoris Laetitia, are all three, decisive passages which threaten the intrinsic Truths upon which the Church was founded.

Ukraine, stop before it's too late

Ukraine, stop before it's too late

More weapons to Ukraine, more stoking the fire of war, while Russia warns of the risk of World War III. Everyone is excited about the war, talking about negotiations and peace has become taboo. An alternative is possible, but that requires will, and the Ukrainian government must also play its part.

Cases of Miocarditis increase amongst young males vaccinated with mRNA vaccines

Cases of Miocarditis increase amongst young males vaccinated with mRNA vaccines

The Northern European study published on the prestigious online medical database JAMA Cardiology, has registered a significant increase in post- mRNA vaccine cases of myocarditis, especially amongst young males aged between 16 and 24 years. There are more cases post-Moderna than those post-Pfizer, as the Moderna dose contains a more concentrated amount of the mRNA messenger. This data confirms the numerous cases of myocarditis amongst young athletes, yet the administration of vaccine is still imposed, without knowing the clinical history of the patient, or providing them with an initial clinical evaluation.