Saint Francis of Assisi by Ermes Dovico

Temperance and Prudence: self-regulating people and the economy

Temperance and Prudence: self-regulating people and the economy

Temperance and prudence serve not only to self-regulate our passions, but also to self-regulate economies for production, just distribution and fair pricing. Together the two cardinal virtues help us grow spiritually and seek higher goods, but they do not totally reject bodily pleasures. In fact they help avoid economic blacklisting of pleasurable goods.

Service: love for our God and clients

Service: love for our God and clients

Service, in the broad sense, has a supremely essential role within the economy, and not just in the so-called service industries.”  The virtue of service -  relationally, intellectually and theologically -  transforms economies for transactional to intelligently loving exchange economies.

Economic and spiritual profit go hand in hand

Economic and spiritual profit go hand in hand

Faith and economy are more interrelated than it seems. Lent can teach us many fundamental economic notions. Today we begin to examine this "Lentonomics" starting from the subject of "sacrifice" whilst considering its implications for our daily economic choices.