Saint Thomas by Ermes Dovico

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The rise of Hitler 90 years ago and the price paid by Catholics

The rise of Hitler 90 years ago and the price paid by Catholics

90 years have passed since Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor. From the start, the German Catholic Church foresaw the danger of National Socialism and then paid a very high price for its resistance: 310 German priests interned in concentration camps, 65 died during imprisonment, 36 executed or murdered, 790 arrested, 1510 fined, 6593 interrogated, to mention some. Numbers that conflict with today's German Catholic Church, amenable to the what the world wants and even more eager to conform to it.

Vaccines and tumours: repentant oncologist raises alarm

Vaccines and tumours: repentant oncologist raises alarm

British professor Angus Dalgleish, luminary in the field of oncology and once an avid supporter of the development of anti-covid vaccines, has changed his mind about their efficacy. Faced with the evidence of the side effects and with great intellectual honesty, he denounces the resurgence of tumours and calls for all vaccine programmes to be suspended.

Another victim surfaces in Rupnik scandal, Pope's blank mind

Another victim surfaces in Rupnik scandal, Pope's blank mind

While another shocking testimony of a nun-victim of Father Rupnik emerges, in an interview with the AP agency, Pope Francis washes his hands of the scandal. Allegedly, he knew nothing and never intervened; he defends the statute of limitations in this case because the abuses were not committed against minors or 'vulnerable adults'. An untenable line of defence, refuted by many circumstances.

Heretic bishop candidate for guardian of orthodoxy, risk of schism

Heretic bishop candidate for guardian of orthodoxy, risk of schism

Monsignor Heiner Wilmer is favoured to lead the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, despite evident contradictions to the magisterium. The fact the Pope even considers him lends support to the controversial “Synodale Weg”, of which Wilmer is a leading exponent, in thought and deed.

China's population decreases. But that's not good news

China's population decreases. But that's not good news

For the first time in 60 years, China’s population decreased by 850,000. It’s the long-term effect of strict birth control policies. But, the demographic crisis might open up a social and economic disaster which the Chinese regime would have difficulty responding to at the moment. The Chinese crisis is only mirroring the crisis of Western countries, which are following the same principles that lead China to ruin.

Benedict XVI: 'the purpose of the liturgy is God'

Benedict XVI: 'the purpose of the liturgy is God'

Benedict XVI's liturgical legacy expresses first and foremost the primacy of worship, conscious that authentic liturgical renewal does not come through instructions and regulations nor through misguided participation. Hence the commitment to a 'reform of the reform', starting with his own example in papal celebrations.

Saint Joseph Pope Benedict’s favourite saint

Saint Joseph Pope Benedict’s favourite saint

Among Benedict XVI's favourite saints is Saint Joseph, whom the pope describes as “the man who gave God the greatest proof of trust, even in the face of such an astonishing announcement”. An exquisite example of a putative father, Joseph is described by Ratzinger first and foremost as a just man. Numerous feasts and solemnities are inspired by him. And there is even a shrine in Provence where he appeared.

On abortion and gender, Benedict and Francis are irreconcilable

On abortion and gender, Benedict and Francis are irreconcilable

Monsignor Gänswein's memoir, which recalls Pope Ratzinger's notes on Pope Francis' statements on abortion, contraception and homosexuality, confirms the different doctrinal and pastoral perspective of the reigning Pope compared to the emeritus.

“The time Pell blocked the gay lobby in Saint Patrick’s…”

“The time Pell blocked the gay lobby in Saint Patrick’s…”

He was labeled “anti-gay”, in reality, he conducted significant pastoral initiatives for AIDS patients. He did not judge them but was compassionate and provided healthcare. He wasn't afraid of anyone. He just wanted to be remembered as a pastor who did his duty for God and among God’s people. Monsignor Peter J. Elliott, Cardinal Pell’s best friend and his auxiliary bishop in Melbourne, speaks to the Daily Compass.

“Covid vaccine gives zero protection, but spike causes damage”

“Covid vaccine gives zero protection, but spike causes damage”

“Vaccine antibodies now offer zero protection, while the spike protein is ubiquitous and lurks in tissues, causing reactions that are serious and should be studied in depth. Instead, many colleagues still have their heads buried in the sand.” Immunologist  Dr Mauro Mantovani explains why we must not lower our guard against adverse effects.


Müller: Benedetto XVI was Saint Augustine of our times

Müller: Benedetto XVI was Saint Augustine of our times

“Pope Benedict did not speak of Christ but spoke to Christ. In him there is a profound unity between theological reflection at the highest level and spirituality that entered directly into people’s hearts.” “He was well aware of his expertise, but he used it not to elevate himself above others, but to serve the good of the Church and the faith of simple people.” “About confusion? Today there is too much political, ideological thinking in the Catholic Church.” “Is the Church 200 years behind, as Cardinal Martini said? Impossible, Jesus is the fullness of all times.” Cardinal Müller, editor of Ratzinger-Benedetto XVI theological works, speaks to the Daily Compass.

Francis shocks Barcelona seminarians with sexual expletives

Francis shocks Barcelona seminarians with sexual expletives

The case of the Pope’s speech at the December 10 meeting with the Barcelona seminarians is snowballing. Instead of reading the prepared speech published on the Vatican website, Bergoglio allegedly spoke off the cuff, denying (again) the need for repentance in order to grant absolution. According to testimonies collected by Germinans Germinabit, he also used vulgar expressions. It necessitates urgent clarification from the Vatican Press Office.