Saint Thomas by Ermes Dovico

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Confusion: Vatican smokescreen for Synod

Confusion: Vatican smokescreen for Synod

Synod, answers (or presumed answers) to the Dubia, Apostolic Exhortation on climate change: so many important events presented simultaneously to halt in-depth debate and assessments. And in the meantime a forthcoming open clash threatens the Synod.

The sheep in place of the shepherds, the Synod subverts the Church

The sheep in place of the shepherds, the Synod subverts the Church

The Synod has been distorted with its opening to non-bishop members. In the new Synodal Church it is the people who instruct the bishops on the meaning of the Faith. This is the liberal project denounced by Newman, with grave danger for souls.

Pope’s answers to dubia: paradigm of confusion

Pope’s answers to dubia: paradigm of confusion

From the blessing of homosexual couples to the penitent's repentance: as with the first dubium, also in the answers to the other four dubia by the five cardinals, the Pope does not clarify. First he says one thing and then another.
- Francis raises more doubts than the Dubia

Yes, yes, or perhaps not: Francis raises more doubts than the Dubia

Yes, yes, or perhaps not: Francis raises more doubts than the Dubia

The response to the "first version" of the questions posed by the five cardinals offers clarity on only one point: the blatant refusal of the Supreme Pontiff to respond in a timely manner, preferring to leaving gray areas and glimmers of possibilities "ad usum synodi".

Vatican claim Pope replied to Dubia is a sensational mystification

Vatican claim Pope replied to Dubia is a sensational mystification

The attempt by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith together with Vatican Communication to cushion the blow caused by the publication of the five cardinals’ dubia, conceals the truth: the pope did not really respond and there is much more to say.

The dubia will bear fruit in due time

The dubia will bear fruit in due time

The dubia presented to the Pope are a perfectly legitimate initiative, which adequately corresponds to the faithful’s act of assent. It is not a question of putting the Pope in difficulty, but of turning to that office which belongs to him alone. And, they should not be considered in terms of immediate success.

Your Holiness, your reply is not enough. Let us reformulate the Dubia for you.

Your Holiness, your reply is not enough. Let us reformulate the Dubia for you.

Ecclesia 02_10_2023

Pope Francis' response to the first letter not only does not clearly respond to the advanced Dubia, but creates even more concern. This is the text of the reformulated Dubia.

Five cardinals with 5 Dubia

Five cardinals with 5 Dubia

Ecclesia 02_10_2023

The immutable doctrine, blessing of gay unions, nature of the Church, female priesthood, sacrament of reconciliation. This is the text of the first five dubia sent to Pope Francis.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ...., the letter sent by the 5 cardinals

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ...., the letter sent by the 5 cardinals

Ecclesia 02_10_2023

In view of the Synod, due to the statements on serious matters contrary to the doctrine of the Church multiplying, we cardinals asked the Pope for clarification, but he did not respond. Therefore, we have now decided to make our letter public so that the faithful do not fall into error. This is the text of the Notification to the Faithful regarding the Dubia.

Five cardinals question Pope on Synod topics: Here’s their Dubia

Five cardinals question Pope on Synod topics: Here’s their Dubia

Cardinals - Burke, Brandmüller, Sarah, Zen, Sandoval - make public the five doctrinal questions they posed Pope Francis for clarification and to which he did not reply. The themes: the immutability of doctrine, blessing of homosexual couples, nature of the Church, female priesthood, sacrament of reconciliation.
Letter to the Faithful II Five cardinals with 5 dubia II Dubia reformulated

From Synod to Synodality, this is how praxis becomes doctrine

From Synod to Synodality, this is how praxis becomes doctrine

Precedents of this pontificate suggest that the conclusions of the Synod will become Magisterium without requiring the Pope's intervention with a post-synodal Exhortation. It’s another sign of a break with tradition.

Ukrainian Nazi applauded in Canada betrays historical ignorance

Ukrainian Nazi applauded in Canada betrays historical ignorance

The video of an SS veteran being applauded by Zelensky, Trudeau and the entire Canadian House of Commons is not a Russian propaganda ploy. The mistake is fruit of ignorance of the history of the "killing fields" occupied by Hitler and Stalin.