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Surrogate pregnancy: ECHR's rejection goes only halfway

Surrogate pregnancy: ECHR's rejection goes only halfway

The European Court of Human Rights has rejected the appeal of a divorced lesbian couple who were denied recognition by Icelandic authorities as parents of a child born in the USA through surrogacy (neither of them is a biological mother). But the problem persists because the two women are treated as “de facto” parents and their homosexual union as a family. So, how will the "no" to surrogate motherhood hold up in court?

German schismatics disgrace the Mass as Rome turns a blind eye

German schismatics disgrace the Mass as Rome turns a blind eye

Women playing priests, rainbow flags hanging from the altar, a punk-styled statue of Our Lady. Following a Vatican 10 May statement forbidding the blessing of homosexual unions, now forbidden preaching and blasphemous Masses are taking place in Germany. In some of the country's most prominent churches, 12 women are now preaching, a clear numeric reference to the first apostles. The Daily Compass has gathered evidence from a “Mass” held in Essen, proof that an abomination of desolation currently underway in Germany. Meanwhile, has Rome turned a blind eye?

Cannibalism, a taboo for most peoples and religions

Cannibalism, a taboo for most peoples and religions

Sieges, famines, and other calamities are among the most frequent causes that have historically led to cannibalism. The horror of this practice is the same in almost all religions, with a few exceptions. The Church, except in a state of necessity, condemns it. And how does one explain the fact of feeding on the Body of Christ according to the doctrine, based on the Bible, of transubstantiation? By the command of the Lord and the goal of eternal salvation.

Naomi and the baby that appeared from nowhere

Naomi and the baby that appeared from nowhere

A baby appeared from nowhere, nameless, faceless and fatherless, wrapped in mystery, divorced from any declared parental relationship. The surprising announcement of Naomi Campbell, 51 years old, that she has just become the mother of a baby girl represents the next step in the evolution of adult individualism under the guise of parenthood.

“No vaccines from aborted foetuses!” A heroic appeal to Christians

“No vaccines from aborted foetuses!” A heroic appeal to Christians

An appeal by many women, pro-life activists; women who are urging Christians all over the world and men of upright conscience to resist vaccines contaminated by abortion. Dr Wanda Półtawska, friend and confidante of John Paul II, and miraculously cured by Padre Pio, is the first signatory.

St Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death (the true good death)

St Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death (the true good death)

With secularisation, the Christian meaning of death has been lost, in favour of a materialist conception that sees in death the end of everything and deceives with euthanasia. St Joseph, the patron saint of a happy death because he expired in the arms of Jesus and Mary, reminds us instead of the need to live and die in the grace of God, giving us a very topical teaching in times of Covid.

Kellogg’s breakfast recipe for LGBT indoctrination

Kellogg’s breakfast recipe for LGBT indoctrination

Rainbow-coloured, heart-shaped cereal topped with edible glitter is Kellogg’s latest invention to sponsor the LGBT cause. Yet, it’s incredible to think that the famous cereal was originally invented by Doctor Kellogg to suppress unhealthy passions.


Bishop Ipolt: some German clergy are confused

Bishop Ipolt: some German clergy are confused

"In Germany the entire Christian anthropology is on the brink. It is regrettable that St. John Paul II's  theology of the body of is hardly known in Germany. We also need a new language and a new profile for our ethical positions in order to guide people and save them from confusion." This is what Wolfgang Ipolt, the Bishop of Görlitz has to say.

Canon law denies Communion to abortionist politicians

Canon law denies Communion to abortionist politicians

Regarding the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on Holy Communion to abortionist politicians, what does Canon Law say? Excommunicated persons, among others, are not admitted to Communion. Also excommunicated are those who collaborate in abortion with a necessary contribution: hence abortionist politicians. Who, moreover, obstinately persist in a grave and manifest sin.

USAID’s Samantha Power: new power on the global stage

USAID’s Samantha Power: new power on the global stage

In the United States, the new Biden-Harris Administration immediately adopted a “tabula rasa” approach to life matters. One of the main moves is the appointment of Samantha Power (former US ambassador to the United Nations) as the new chief of USAID, the primary dispenser of US foreign assistance. It's already crystal clear what kind of agenda she will advance: “We will advance gender equality, LBGTQI+ rights, and women’s empowerment as part of our broader commitment to inclusive economic growth and social cohesion". And the Biden Administration will once again finance those international and non-profit organizations that provide abortion as part of “women’s empowerment".

USAID’s Samantha Power: new power on the global stage

USAID’s Samantha Power: new power on the global stage

The nomination of Samantha Power to lead USAID -  the United States Agency for International Development - is and indication of a more aggressive policy to promote abortion in the world. Indeed the nomination of Samantha Power as Administrator of USAID was enthusiastically welcomed by the abortion industry.

“How I diverted the shots against John Paul II”

“How I diverted the shots against John Paul II”

For the first time, after a thorough investigation, a magistrate affirms the plausibility of Sister Rita Montella’s statement that by supernatural intervention, in bilocation, together with Our Lady, she had diverted Ali Agca’s hand while he was shooting to kill John Paul II on May 13, 40 years ago. The Daily Compass has read a preview of the exceptional document.