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Jesuit 'Father Pica's' sexual abuse diary

Jesuit 'Father Pica's' sexual abuse diary

The 383 pages in which the Jesuit, who died in 2009, wrote down his activities as a serial predator shake the Bolivian Church but also the Society of Jesus. As many as 85 minors were abused by the priest, covered by a dense network of cover-ups. His nephew denounced everything, but received evasive answers.

Cardinal Burke: "A true conscience does not justify sin"

Cardinal Burke: "A true conscience does not justify sin"

We publish the text of Cardinal Raymond L. Burke's speech last April 13 in Rome for the presentation of the book in Italian “Èschaton”. The cardinal cleared up the misunderstandings derived from a false notion of conscience. Instead, “it is the voice of God speaking to souls” and “a guide in pursuit of the one truth”, Jesus Christ, towards holiness. Even at the price of "white martyrdom" heroic witness to the Catholic faith.

The Order of Malta elects Dunlap: renewal and stability

The Order of Malta elects Dunlap: renewal and stability

The Lieutenant Grand Master which Pope Francis preferred has been elected to lead the Order for a decade. After several beleaguered years, the choice means there are neither winners nor losers: the path forward was already mapped out and involves reform but also safeguarding religious distinctiveness.

Charles III's coronation, a triumph of political correctness

Charles III's coronation, a triumph of political correctness

For the solemn ceremony on 6 May, nothing is missing, indeed no one is missing, not even Buddhists and Zoroastrians. With a few additions, the 'multi-religious' liturgy, presided over by the Anglican primate Welby who will crown the British sovereign and queen consort, will be able to boast inclusiveness, pink quotas and a whiff of environmentalism.

Relics donated to King Charles by Pope is not ecumenism

Relics donated to King Charles by Pope is not ecumenism

The two fragments of the True Cross Pope Francis gifted to the King of England are the latest in a series of relics he has given away, in total more than any of his predecessors. But it is one thing to donate to the Orthodox, it’s another to the head of the Anglican Church, whose rites and ordinations are invalid.

If the laity can vote, it is not the Synod 'of Bishops'

If the laity can vote, it is not the Synod 'of Bishops'

The goalposts have been moved with the synodal process underway: pink quotas and lay quotas effectively distort the institution established by St Paul VI and regulated by canon law. And even if it is clear where this is heading, let us breathe a sigh of relief: an assembly redefined in this way does not 'make' magisterium.

2024 election campaign symbolizes America's "night"
(falling) stars & stripes

2024 election campaign symbolizes America's "night"

Septuagenarian Trump and octogenarian Biden are running for the presidency. The electorate is confused because of secularization, vices and cancel culture. The (only?) hope for America is for a younger electable Republican to break through in the primaries and end the darkness with a new dawn to reinvigorate American democracy.

Assisted suicide: Paglia's OK destroys Magisterium

Assisted suicide: Paglia's OK destroys Magisterium

The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life Vincenzo Paglia has given his OK to the assisted suicide law from the columns of Renzi's newspaper Il Riformista. In a plethora of heresies and leaning on the liberalist drifts of current social conditions and widespread pluralism, the bishop openly contradicts the Magisterium and the pronouncements of the Italian Bishops' Conference, even going so far as to say that the Church does not own the truth on these issues.

Warmongering China makes Taiwanese want independence

Warmongering China makes Taiwanese want independence

The latest polls reveal the Taiwanese no longer feel Chinese and disagree with the 1992 Consensus agreement which establishes the principle of one country (albeit two systems). China would never accept a proclamation of independence. Storm clouds are gathering as 2024 gets closer, the year of the elections.

«Sri Lanka, Intelligence and Islamists unite against Christians»

«Sri Lanka, Intelligence and Islamists unite against Christians»

Four years ago, the violent attacks on hotels, Catholic and Protestant places of worship cost 200 lives. The Archbishop of Colombo demands the truth. Interviewed by the Daily Compass, he claims the country's secret services and the deposed former president were involved.

Replacement  babies, rent a womb comes with "guarantees"

Replacement babies, rent a womb comes with "guarantees"

Among the 46 guarantees offered by Gestlife, a company of surrogacy lawyers, is the restart of the surrogate uterus program should the baby die within two years of birth. It goes beyond the "satisfied or get a refund" formula. It’s the chilling confirmation babies are considered objects.

Poles take to the streets to defend Pope Wojtyla

Poles take to the streets to defend Pope Wojtyla

The media campaign aimed at vilifying St John Paul II has been followed by acts of vandalism on monuments depicting him. But the people do not take kindly to this and defy bad weather and lies in order to thwart yet another attack on the memory of the holy pontiff.