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Nicaragua, bishop Álvarez’s slow martyrdom in Ortega’s prison

Nicaragua, bishop Álvarez’s slow martyrdom in Ortega’s prison

The decision not to abandon his people and not to kowtow to the dictator Ortega, has cost the bishop of Matagalpa a long prison sentence in the most inhumane conditions in a maximum security prison. But, there is international silence on his imprisonment during the last four months.

The 15-Minute City is green totalitarianism

The 15-Minute City is green totalitarianism

The 15-Minute City is a project to reorganise urban spaces. Oxford is the most advanced experiment, but the name was coined by Anne Hidalgo in Paris. All services must be within a 15-minute walk or cycle. It sounds appealing, but it will be the way to prevent free movement.

Ireland: Catholics take a nosedive on the island of saints

Ireland: Catholics take a nosedive on the island of saints


 It is not surprising there is a decline in the number of Irish who consider themselves Catholic, it's the rapidity: 10% less in just six years that’s disconcerting. For many, it is an opportunity to oust the Church from society.  While the Church will have to adopt a proactive mentality, if it wants to avoid being overwhelmed definitively.

Africa resists: No to contraception, Yes to Humanae Vitae

Africa resists: No to contraception, Yes to Humanae Vitae

The prophetic words of Paul VI in Humanae Vitae find confirmation first of all in Africa, victim of the neo-Malthusian attempts of the West, which offers aid subject to the acceptance of anti-values on sexuality and family. But in the Dark Continent a pro-life culture resists and is stronger than ideology.

Rupnik's works discourages worship, “it’s not sacred art”

Rupnik's works discourages worship, “it’s not sacred art”

On the debate started in Lourdes about Rupnik's works, which questions all the faithful, the Daily Compass interviewed Fr Nicola Bux: “The situation of sacred art has contributed to secularisation and the loss of faith. And Rupnik positioned himself in this void. The commissioning bishops should ask themselves whether the faithful, looking at Rupnik's art, are inspired to pray or rather to dance around the golden calf, which is ourselves”.

The Reasonableness and Beauty of the Teaching of Humanae Vitae

The Reasonableness and Beauty of the Teaching of Humanae Vitae

From the timid acceptance of contraception to the generalized acceptance of abortion: the common root, underlines prof. John Haas, lies in considering procreation as an evil to be avoided. Hence the contradiction of a good (birth) considered evil and an evil (abortion) claimed as a right.

Mortara case film at Cannes arouses anti-Catholic sentiment

Mortara case film at Cannes arouses anti-Catholic sentiment

Yesterday at Cannes was the day for Bellocchio's film (Kidnapped) on the Mortara case, the Jewish child baptised in articulo mortis and then separated from his parents. Already in the trailer, the mystification of facts is clear. Facts that Edgardo Mortara himself, who died in the odour of sanctity, effectively reconstructed in a memoir indigestible to the enemies of truth.

Humanae Vitae: bold, prophetic, and increasingly relevant

Humanae Vitae: bold, prophetic, and increasingly relevant

From sexual relations excluding children to children generated, or rather 'produced', excluding sex, to a future that by dint of manipulation will do away not only with the male-female duality, but with man himself. Only an integral anthropology will save us from the post-human drift: this is the perennial validity of Paul VI's encyclical, in the words of Cardinal Ladaria Ferrer.

War in Ukraine, Papal mediation is a mismanaged operation

War in Ukraine, Papal mediation is a mismanaged operation

The contemptuous treatment meted out to Francis by Ukrainian President Zelensky was embarrassing for the pope and the Vatican. Serious mistakes were made, precisely from the diplomatic point of view. The Catholic Church has the task of teaching justice and salvation in Christ. It must not descend to the levels of the powerful of this earth.

Pro-abortion superheroes, evil masquerading as good

Pro-abortion superheroes, evil masquerading as good

To publicise abortion and other dogmas of political correctness, the IPPF has come up with a campaign featuring six 'safe reproduction', anti-life, superheroes. Good and evil are thus reversed. But behind it there is an epic idea of the struggle for 'new rights'.

UK: another baby born from three biological parents using immoral technique

UK: another baby born from three biological parents using immoral technique

The BBC speaks of ‘Baby born from three people's DNA in UK first’. In reality, the technique of mitochondrial replacement has been practised for years and there are already 30 to 50 youngsters born this way worldwide. But the procedure contradicts natural law, alters genetic identity, objectifies the child, and exposes it to disease.

‘Discernment’ makes moral teaching impossible

‘Discernment’ makes moral teaching impossible

'Discernment' is the keyword of the today’s new moral theology. It is understood in an agnostic and Protestant sense: the moral rule is no longer absolute, it is always historical and never definitive, it is always subjective and not merely objective. But in the end, discernment makes moral teaching impossible.