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Pope calls Fernandez to lead Dicastery "against" Doctrine of the Faith

Pope calls Fernandez to lead Dicastery "against" Doctrine of the Faith

The new Prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith is a carbon copy of Francis. And in the letter of appointment, the Dicastery called upon to say a definitive word becomes a source of "processes" and the door to promote the blessing of same-sex couples, female diaconate, and overcoming priestly celibacy.

US bishops versus pro-abortion Catholic politicians: an exemplary stance

US bishops versus pro-abortion Catholic politicians: an exemplary stance

Catholic Democratic politicians would like to reconcile faith and pro-abortion battles. Msgr Broglio does not agree: the firm stance is also a clear signal on the equilibrium between American prelates and Santa Marta.

Church in Germany collapses but cure is worse than the disease

Church in Germany collapses but cure is worse than the disease

Defections among the Teutonic faithful are reaching alarming peaks, but even more alarming is the remedy proposed by the local Catholic leadership: synodality. The data shows the failure of the remedy, which seems to be designed to kill the 'patient'.

Woelki targeted by media, bishops and now the police

Woelki targeted by media, bishops and now the police

The Cardinal of Cologne is not only under 'friendly' fire from his confreres for his non-alignment to the Synodaler Weg. He is now also targeted by investigators, who suspect him of perjury. All under the gaze of media cameras.

Those seeking regime change in Moscow undermine Europe

Those seeking regime change in Moscow undermine Europe

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, the Arab Spring: history seems to teach nothing to the doctrinaire Atlanticists, the most ardent in supporting the Biden-von der Leyen-Zelensky line, which envisages only surrender and collapse for Putin. The strategy of head-on confrontation with Russia is the offspring of the postulate of the "export of democracy", which has already failed.

Rupnik case closed, everyone’s happy except the victims

Rupnik case closed, everyone’s happy except the victims

The recent Letter to the Friends of the Aletti Centre reiterates the narrative that the accusations against the ex-Jesuit are nothing but slander. Discharged from the order he will be free to be incardinated wherever he wants. While the Holy See and the Jesuits have avoided opening Pandora's box.

Synod planning text makes Church “fluid”

Synod planning text makes Church “fluid”

October 4 ,Synod’s Instrumentum Laboris, is presented under the banner of a "journey" without a destination. The only thing certain is that it is a "process" open to any conclusion, even the most revolutionary. Truth is replaced by relations.

Burke: «Eucharist is food for sinners, but only if repentant»

Burke: «Eucharist is food for sinners, but only if repentant»

The Church has a duty to deny Communion when there is a grave and manifest sin for which the faithful has already been admonished, which not only refers to abortion. The American cardinal, whose book on the subject has just been released in the United States, speaks to the Daily Compass.

A pro-LGBT Pope is a problem

A pro-LGBT Pope is a problem

The umpteenth letter from Pope Francis to Father James Martin is the latest public confirmation of the constant encouragement of LGBT groups in the Church. Obviously, it raises a huge problem, because it means that a Pope is openly reversing the Magisterium of those who preceded him. And, it is a problem that bishops and cardinals cannot ignore.

London: lobbyists demand full term abortion after mum imprisoned

London: lobbyists demand full term abortion after mum imprisoned

The dramatic case of eight-month pregnant Carla Foster, jailed for having induced an abortion at home becomes a pretext for demanding abortion at full term. But, the tragic consequences of that abortion go unmentioned.

Vatican-reviewed magazine destroys Social Doctrine

Vatican-reviewed magazine destroys Social Doctrine

An article signed by Cardinal Czerny for La Civiltà Cattolica exalts the 'circular Church', that is, engaged in a form of dialogue with the world that renders it subordinate to the world. Thus making it impossible to propose a doctrine and the Church also renounces to having an original vision.

Pope Francis equivocal fraternity meeting pleases UN not faithful

Pope Francis equivocal fraternity meeting pleases UN not faithful

The World Meeting on Fraternity motivated by Pope Francis, today June 10 in St Peter's Square, is being held with the participation of the rescue ship 'Mare Jonio' of Mediterranea, an NGO headed by Luca Casarini, who was linked to a far-left organisation. Obviously it is the clearest sign of an ideological misunderstanding, but it has the support of the UN.