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“Father Rupnik abused me, now I want to save other women”

“Father Rupnik abused me, now I want to save other women”

“Rupnik and Sr Ivanka Hosta are very dangerous, they must be stopped permanently.” “Many nuns are still paying for the abuse they suffered, we have never had any help, neither material nor psychological." "The bishops must understand that hiding evil destroys the Church." In an exclusive interview, Fabrizia Raguso tells her story to the Daily Compass. She is one of the Slovenian Jesuit’s victims and among the first to give birth to the Loyola Community.

Financial Times against Italian PM Meloni, recalls attack against Berlusconi

Financial Times against Italian PM Meloni, recalls attack against Berlusconi

The Financial Times, the City of London newspaper, predicts a grim future for Italy’s Giorgia Meloni government. As it’s reminiscent of the same newspaper's condemnation of the Silvio Berlusconi government in 2011, one wonders, is the analysis impartial or dictated by a political agenda? Interestingly, the second hypothesis is not so far-fetched.

Vicariate of Rome “snubs” Rupnik's sex abuse victims

Vicariate of Rome “snubs” Rupnik's sex abuse victims

Two days after the meeting between the Pope and the director of the Aletti Centre, the diocese of Rome speaks of a “healthy community life devoid of particular criticalities”. Notably, the sexually abused women continue to be forgotten and voiceless.

India's G20 gives birth to post-Western world

India's G20 gives birth to post-Western world

The G20 summit held in New Delhi on 9 and 10 September marked an important shift in the political balance. It not only affirms India as a world power, but the entry of the global South among the world's greats. The West must realise that its power is now shared.

ST dies naturally before State “kills” her

ST dies naturally before State “kills” her

ST, the 19-year-old British girl engaged in a legal battle against doctors who wanted to put her to death because she was incurable, has died of a heart attack. Her sad story is exemplary in understanding the abyss into which the West is falling.

Google anti-trust trial decides Web’s future

Google anti-trust trial decides Web’s future

Google is on trial for the first time in its history. The Web giant is accused of abusing its dominant position, accounting for 90% of online searches. The American judiciary aims to prove that it has violated anti-monopoly rules. The future of the Web depends on it.

US bishops versus Biden's rainbow measures

US bishops versus Biden's rainbow measures

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has reacted strongly to Biden’s regulation limiting subsidies for failure to conform to transgender ideology in social and charitable services. It puts religious freedom at risk.

British government thinks again, “silent prayer is not unlawful”

British government thinks again, “silent prayer is not unlawful”

In a letter to the police forces, British Home Secretary, Suella Braverman clarifies, among other things, that silent prayer near abortion clinics cannot be cause for arrests. But the fundamental problem remains: the strict restrictions around clinics prevent acts of charity

Covid and global warming, permanent "alliance".

Covid and global warming, permanent "alliance".

The WHO announced Covid "is here to stay" and that global warming could aggravate 50% of known pathogens. But, the first solution to the “crisis” is fearmongering.

The Synodal Tower of Babel: Daily Compass Rome conference

The Synodal Tower of Babel: Daily Compass Rome conference

On the eve of the Synod on Synodality, apparently orchestrated to guarantee a desired outcome, the Daily Compass is holding a conference in Rome to lay bare what’s at stake. The conference takes place on October 3, in the Ghione Theatre, at 16:00. The distinguished speakers are Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, Father Gerald Murray and Professor Stefano Fontana. Its open to the public and entrance is free.

"I'm ill, but I want to live." Hospital asks judge to end her life

"I'm ill, but I want to live." Hospital asks judge to end her life

British doctors want to end the life of a fully conscious 19-year-old schoolgirl in intensive care because she can't get better. And the judge agrees, the girl’s will doesn’t count

The Pope's interviews guarantee fixed slogans and muddled minds

The Pope's interviews guarantee fixed slogans and muddled minds

"Stuck in the past", clericalism, inclusion of homosexuals and transsexuals, the ever-present ambiguities in Pope Francis’ customary scripts were also staged in his meeting with the Portuguese Jesuits.