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WYD: the golden calf of environmentalism

WYD: the golden calf of environmentalism

At World Youth Day in Lisbon (1-6 August), themes such as pollution and the climate occupy a central place. But environmentalism overturns the order of creation, degrades mankind and replaces the worship of God with the worship of the Earth.

"Holodomor was genocide", states Italian parliament

"Holodomor was genocide", states Italian parliament

The Italian Senate has recognised the Holodomor in Ukraine as genocide. The 'death by starvation', the artificial famine created by Stalin to bend Ukraine and collectivise agriculture, is a crime denied for almost a century.

Farage saga exposes banks’ attack on free thought

Farage saga exposes banks’ attack on free thought

The closure of Nigel Farage's bank account for his political ideas is a signal to target a politically exposed figure. But it is only the beginning: the banks are gradually encompassing the standards effect of the 2030 Agenda.

Jesuits expel Rupnik absolving themselves

Jesuits expel Rupnik absolving themselves

Marko Ivan Rupnik is now definitively dismissed from the Society of Jesus. But the Jesuits' justifications don’t hold water, and they dump the hot potato of the 'artistar' priest's reduction to the lay state on the Holy See.

God, not man will save the Church

God, not man will save the Church

When confronted with the drift of the Church, there is a temptation to find refuge. But in the hour of the Passion Jesus did not teach to rebel, but to pray and watch. That is why we remain in the Church, which is Christ's, even accepting to die with her.

Max, the baby held by Jesus after drowning

Max, the baby held by Jesus after drowning

The recently revealed story of a 2 and a half-year-old boy who had an extraordinary near-death experience and today says: "Jesus holds all the children who fall into the water".

West versus the rest: boomerang effect of the Biden line

West versus the rest: boomerang effect of the Biden line

The hyper-Atlanticism of the US, NATO, G7 and the EU, which has generated the line of head-on confrontation with Russia, is uniting all the emerging countries into a clear opposition to the designs of the Western countries. And China is increasingly emerging as the catalyst country.

Lisbon hosts WYD without Christ. And Aguiar is made cardinal

Lisbon hosts WYD without Christ. And Aguiar is made cardinal

The grave statements by Msgr. Américo Aguiar, responsible for the WYD in Lisbon and just appointed cardinal, who absolutely does not want to "convert young people to Christ", have very serious implications: above all to render faith an illusion and the Church useless.

Miss Holland is trans, the anti-Christian revolution strides ahead

Miss Holland is trans, the anti-Christian revolution strides ahead

We are witnessing a grand style operation to change attitudes towards "sexual non-conformities". But the real goal is to destroy traditional European culture, born of Christianity.

Synod: appointments piloted pretending Holy Spirit made choices

Synod: appointments piloted pretending Holy Spirit made choices

The trend of nominations for the new Synod manifests a will for preordained governance. How can they appoint their partisans based on political and power criteria and then claim that their words are to be taken as the voice of the Holy Spirit?

Fernandez: new custodian of faith contradicts Humanae Vitae

Fernandez: new custodian of faith contradicts Humanae Vitae

In 2006 Msgr Victor M. Fernández published a criticism of Msgr Livio Melina: his position on contraception was too inflexible and uncharitable. However, this was the position of the Magisterium of the Church.

Relativism triumphs with Fernandez leading Doctrine Dicastery

Relativism triumphs with Fernandez leading Doctrine Dicastery

It is a symbiotic relationship that binds the Pope to the newly appointed Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, the right man in the right place to shatter every certainty by brandishing discernment.