Saint Hugh of Grenoble by Ermes Dovico


Italian bishops and Jesuits promote LGBT agenda at Jubilee

Italian bishops and Jesuits promote LGBT agenda at Jubilee

A special event for world rainbow associations in St Peter's Basilica, for the promotion of homosexuality, is planned for Holy Year. With the blessing and direct participation of the Society of Jesus and the Italian bishops.

China-Vatican, rewrites history to legitimise secret agreement

China-Vatican, rewrites history to legitimise secret agreement

Many Chinese speakers, video-message by the Pope and speech by the Vatican Secretary of State, Card. Parolin: the Shanghai Council of 1924 commemorated with two conferences, one in Milan another in Rome, to promote "the spirit" of the secret agreement on the appointment of bishops. Forcing history on the backs of Chinese Catholics.

Confusion: Vatican smokescreen for Synod

Confusion: Vatican smokescreen for Synod

Synod, answers (or presumed answers) to the Dubia, Apostolic Exhortation on climate change: so many important events presented simultaneously to halt in-depth debate and assessments. And in the meantime a forthcoming open clash threatens the Synod.

The Church raises a wall against non-vaccinated persons

The Church raises a wall against non-vaccinated persons

Access to Masses celebrated by the Pope in Slovakia is prohibited to those who are not vaccinated. And in Italy, the bishop’s daily newspaper launches a crusade against those who oppose mandatory vaccination. Fully espousing the pro-vaccination cause and the adoption of the Green pass, the Church of mercy that advocates tearing down all walls,  is building one around the Mass.

German schismatics disgrace the Mass as Rome turns a blind eye

German schismatics disgrace the Mass as Rome turns a blind eye

Women playing priests, rainbow flags hanging from the altar, a punk-styled statue of Our Lady. Following a Vatican 10 May statement forbidding the blessing of homosexual unions, now forbidden preaching and blasphemous Masses are taking place in Germany. In some of the country's most prominent churches, 12 women are now preaching, a clear numeric reference to the first apostles. The Daily Compass has gathered evidence from a “Mass” held in Essen, proof that an abomination of desolation currently underway in Germany. Meanwhile, has Rome turned a blind eye?

“No vaccines from aborted foetuses!” A heroic appeal to Christians

“No vaccines from aborted foetuses!” A heroic appeal to Christians

An appeal by many women, pro-life activists; women who are urging Christians all over the world and men of upright conscience to resist vaccines contaminated by abortion. Dr Wanda Półtawska, friend and confidante of John Paul II, and miraculously cured by Padre Pio, is the first signatory.

“How I diverted the shots against John Paul II”

“How I diverted the shots against John Paul II”

For the first time, after a thorough investigation, a magistrate affirms the plausibility of Sister Rita Montella’s statement that by supernatural intervention, in bilocation, together with Our Lady, she had diverted Ali Agca’s hand while he was shooting to kill John Paul II on May 13, 40 years ago. The Daily Compass has read a preview of the exceptional document.