Saint Casimir by Ermes Dovico


From Davos to New York: the good, the bad and the ugly

From Davos to New York: the good, the bad and the ugly

World 01_02_2023 John Rao

Compulsory vaccination - flu, Covid and sexually transmitted diseases - for everyone, but the main focus targets minors, bypassing parental consent. At the same time lockdown dealt the coup de grace to the small entrepreneurial and commercial activities that kept the different communities together. This is how the plans of the Davos elites become law in New York.

Italian seminary: not vaccinated, no place for  priesthood

Italian seminary: not vaccinated, no place for priesthood

The priest of tomorrow will not need to be saintly, but vaccinated. The glorious seminary of Milan has become the first educational institution to impose compulsory vaccination. A letter to the 120 seminarians reads: You must all be vaccinated before returning from holiday”. The vice-rector, in turn, confirms the decision to the Daily Compass: We are doing it to return to a more serene life”. And the seminarians who are against it are branded ideologues.

Green pass: a matter of idolatry not vaccination

Green pass: a matter of idolatry not vaccination

As restrictions escalate, so does the number of ordinary people who understand that what is at stake is not the freedom to go to the pub or the restaurant, nor even vaccination freedom: it is the freedom to exist as human beings worthy of the name, without kowtowing to Leviathan. It is a question of deciding who we want to worship, God or the dragon. Revelation comes to our aid.