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Encyclical condemning gender is necessary and urgent

Encyclical condemning gender is necessary and urgent

Gender theory seriously contradicts the nature of man and has serious implications for the proclamation of the foundations of the Christian faith by undermining the role of the father, the mother, marriage, and the relationship between children and parents. Many believers and bishops feel that a document setting out the Catholic Church's vision is urgently needed.


A Response to Pontifical Academy for Life - Panel 6

Culture 10_12_2022

An international group of Catholic theologians and other experts are gathering in a private workshop, in Rome, from December 8 to 10, 2022. The purpose of the meeting is to respond to some of the issues, especially those connected with sexual morality, objective moral norms, and conscience, raised in the recent publication of the Pontifical Academy for Life entitled Etica teologica della Vita. The meeting, organized under the auspices of the International Catholic Jurists Forum (ICJF), is co-sponsored by Ave Maria University (AMU), Ave Maria School of Law, and Ethics and Public Policy, Person & Identity Project.

Melina: “The possible good risks being the middle name of evil”

Melina: “The possible good risks being the middle name of evil”

"When the moral precepts that protect the self-offering meaning of sexuality and human generation are contradicted, in reality we are not only going beyond the letter of a particular norm, but we are going against the spirit and meaning of the very law that God has written in our heart". says Msgr. Livio Melina, in the keynote address (excerpts of which we offer in advance) which open the conference A Response to the Pontifical Academy for Life's publication: Theological Ethics of Life. Follow the conference in live streaming on our website. 

Humanae Vitae is ahead of the “new” morality of the Pontifical Academy for Life

Humanae Vitae is ahead of the “new” morality of the Pontifical Academy for Life

A conference to reaffirm Christian anthropology and natural law in matters of life and family, in response to Pav's volume "Theological Ethics of Life" and only seemingly innovative buzzwords. Jane Adolphe, organizer of the conference, which can also be followed on our Daily Compass, talks about it.

Great Britain confirms: unborn Down children can be eliminated

Great Britain confirms: unborn Down children can be eliminated

The rejection of Heidi Crowter’s appeal, courageous defender of the rights of Down people, legitimises discrimination against the disabled by allowing abortion up until birth even in the birth canal. The Catholic bishops protest: an "illogical and unjust" sentence.

Migration, a weapon to destroy national identities. The case of Italy

Migration, a weapon to destroy national identities. The case of Italy

The recent clash between Italy and France over the ships which collect migrants in the Mediterranean skippered by Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) is only the symptom  of a wider war which aims to dissolve the identity of Europe. Italy is the main battlefield as Cardinal Biffi warned twenty years ago.

Accompany without conversion: Belgian bishops' like the Germans

Accompany without conversion: Belgian bishops' like the Germans

The ad limina visit is now the pretext to endorse the overturning of faith and morals accompanied by (Roman) pats on the back. To clear the way for the blessing of homosexual couples, Cardinal De Kesel relies on the words of Philippe Bordeyne, president of the John Paul II Institute, in the name of an openness to everything – except conversion.

Taiwanese minister: "China persecutes Christians, even after Vatican agreement"

Taiwanese minister: "China persecutes Christians, even after Vatican agreement"

"Not only the Vatican but the entire international community must think about religious freedom in China," says Taiwanese Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu in this exclusive interview for the Daily Compass. There is no sign the Vatican wants to break off relations with Taiwan. And the matter of religious freedom in China is a very serious issue because persecution continues, despite the agreement between Beijing and the Vatican.

Father Andrasz: another confessor of St Faustina Kowalska destined for sainthood

Father Andrasz: another confessor of St Faustina Kowalska destined for sainthood

After Blessed Michał Sopoćko, the process of beatification in Poland has also begun for Father Jozef Andrasz. He was the first spiritual director of the Saint of Mercy and also her last; he was often mentioned by Sister Faustina in her famous Diary. He was an important figure in spreading the cult of the Divine Mercy. Vice-postulator Father Mariusz Balcerak talks about him.

World Cup in Qatar: Infantino's unbridled hypocrisy

World Cup in Qatar: Infantino's unbridled hypocrisy

World 21_11_2022 Souad Sbai

Yesterday's opening match between Qatar and Ecuador should not overshadow the controversy triggered by FIFA president Gianni Infantino's statements on the eve of the World Cup. Beyond the sporting aspects, priority must be given to the moral ones. For Italy, it is a good thing not to participate in what will go down in history as the World Cup of corruption, terrorism and human rights violations.

From Jewish to Catholic, actor Gad Elmaleh recounts his conversion in a film

From Jewish to Catholic, actor Gad Elmaleh recounts his conversion in a film

The release of Reste un peu (stay with us) in France, in which the famous French-Moroccan comedian describes how the Virgin Mary accompanied him on his long journey of conversion, is sparked by controversy, especially in the Jewish world. There’s the value of Lourdes and the example of Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, also a converted Jew. And an appeal to Catholics: do not be shy about your faith.

8 billion people and there’s still room for many more

8 billion people and there’s still room for many more

The milestone of eight billion inhabitants on Earth has been the trigger to instil the usual fear of overpopulation. But the world is not overpopulated, simply the neo-Malthusians are imposing unfounded and specious rules (on agriculture, energy, food) to prevent development and decrease the population. They are the ones we have to fear.