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Femen sacrilege in church: for ECHR is freedom of expression

Femen sacrilege in church: for ECHR is freedom of expression

In Bouton v. France, the European Court of Human Rights unanimously ruled that the sacrilege committed by a Femen activist on 20 December 2013 falls under "freedom of expression". The woman, bare-breasted, in front of the tabernacle of the church of St Magdalene in Paris, simulated aborting Jesus and urinated. It’s the latest attack against the Catholic faith, justified on absurd grounds.

Luigi Giussani: the 'great companionship' of the Church

Luigi Giussani: the 'great companionship' of the Church

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the servant of God Fr Luigi Giussani, founder of Communion and Liberation, whose members will be received in audience by the Pope this morning. We entrust his memory to the words of one of his earliest and closest pupils, Msgr Luigi Negri, taken from his latest book 'Con Giussani. La storia & il presente di un incontro" (Edizioni Ares, Milan 2021).


The three black holes of the Synod that endanger the Church

The three black holes of the Synod that endanger the Church

The path that will culminate in 2023 with the Synod of Bishops has at least three black holes. The first is that there is nothing synodal about the way it is being conducted, which confirms Pope Francis' imperative attitude. The second black hole concerns listening, flawed by the fact that it has already been decided what to listen to and what not to. The third is the idea of introducing liberal democracy into the Church which distorts the Church itself.

Euthanasia for depression: the 'Shanti case'  cancels hope

Euthanasia for depression: the 'Shanti case' cancels hope

After surviving an Isis attack, 23-year-old Shanti De Corte from Belgium was so traumatised she requested euthanasia, with her parents’ consent. According to a neurologist, she had other options. But without a perspective which includes eternity, the alternative is to reject reality, including its dramas, and to seek any means of escape, including death.

The power of the Hail Mary explained by the saints

The power of the Hail Mary explained by the saints

The ordinary faithful and the saints of all times have found inspiration, joy, and comfort from the recital of the Hail Mary. Its first part is all in the Gospel of Luke, the second part was added by the Church. She teaches us to honour the Mother of God with the Rosary, first of all, and other devotions dear to Her, such as the three Hail Marys.

Womb transplant for trans reduces people to pieces

Womb transplant for trans reduces people to pieces

There has long been talk of uterus transplants for men who feel like women. Some justify it in the name of 'equality'. But encouraging this change - contrary to nature - increases the discomfort of trans people, because it widens the gap between biological data and psychological perception.

"My mother, Saint Gianna, God's answer to the world’s attack on life"

"My mother, Saint Gianna, God's answer to the world’s attack on life"

For the 100th anniversary of Gianna Beretta Molla's birth, the Daily Compass spoke to her fourth child, the daughter who was born thanks to her sainted mother’s heroic sacrifice. Today Saint Gianna is "a precious gift from God for everyone", together with her husband Pietro: a married couple and parents who represent "Our Lord's answer to today's world" which continues to attack marriage, family, and life.

Cardinal Eijk:  stop Flemish bishops from blessing gay couples

Cardinal Eijk: stop Flemish bishops from blessing gay couples

The declaration of the Flemish Belgian bishops with their ad hoc liturgy for gay couples contradicts the Churchs teaching on homosexuality and a recent Vatican declaration. It’s necessary for the competent authorities to intervene now so the document is withdrawn and the Belgian bishops to obey. Cardinal Eijk  Archbishop of Utrecht speaks out.

Russia-Ukraine war: the worst is yet to come

Russia-Ukraine war: the worst is yet to come

Hope of a peace deal seems increasingly out of reach, finding a solution to the conflict ever more difficult, still this doesn’t mean attempts to resolve the conflict are worthless. In an interview, the Catholic Archbishop of Moscow, Monsignor Paolo Pezzi, exposes the extreme gravity of the situation and the urgency for negotiation.

Spanish Equal Opportunities minister calls paedophilia 'a right'

Spanish Equal Opportunities minister calls paedophilia 'a right'

Shock in Spain. Minister Montero says that “children have a right to sex as long as they consent”. It is the natural outcome of the hypersexualisation of children that began with the sexual revolution. No comment from the Left and the EU of course, is too busy giving pro-life Hungary lessons in democracy .

Flemish Bishops allow gay couples  blessing applying  Amoris Laetitia

Flemish Bishops allow gay couples blessing applying Amoris Laetitia

The decision of the Flemish-speaking bishops to make public a 'liturgy' for the blessing of same-sex couples stands in open schism with the Church but is justified via Amoris Laetitia. Now Pope Francis will have to determine whether the Flemish bishops' interpretation of AL and the synodal process has gone too far or not. It is assumed, he will not take a position of 'disarmed neutrality'.

Pope Francis at the 'Supermarket of Religions'

Pope Francis at the 'Supermarket of Religions'

The Holy Father's participation in the Congress of Religious Leaders feeds the widespread idea that in essence every religion is as good as the other: an indifferentism alien to the Church and to reason, since if all are true, none is. Archbishop Athanasius Schneider says this in no uncertain terms, and reminds us that bishops must speak frankly, including to the successor of Peter.